The table shows the cost of water in 5 cities in Australia. Spot on from the table, Perth is being of the 5 cities in Australia which has high average bill per household as well as charge per kiloliter (over 125 KL). Com
The table compares water costs across five Australian cities, categorized into three sections: usage charges for up to 125 kiloliters, charges beyond 125 kiloliters, and average household payments.
The table give information about the price of water for two categories of consumers who use less than 125 killolitres, and those who consume more than 125KL , for five cities in Australia. Moreover, the average bill per
The table provides information regarding charge of water supply in 5 differetnt cities of Australia and datails of usage weather it is less or more than 125 kilolitre.
The table illustrates the information about the water charges in the five different cities of the Australia. It also tells their cost in dollars. However, the data in the table is examined in three catagories.
The given table with 3 different categores illustrates expenses on water in various tows in Australia, that is called Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourn, Perth and Sydney. Overall, Perth has the most expensive average bill per
The table compares the information about the water expenditures spent in five different cities in Australia: Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney, indicated in Australian Dollars.
The given table displays the comparison of water costs among five different cities in Australia. The information includes the cost usage change per kiloliter before and after 125 KL and the average bill per household. Un
The table depicts the water cost in Austria in five cities. Clearly, there is a highest value of water need in Perth with an average of $332 for each house and a dominant difference in payment for each kiloliter. In Pe
The given table illustrates the price of water in Adelaid,Brisbane,Melbourne, Perth and, Sydney which are located in Australia ranging the amount of money which is paid for per kl Up to 125Kl and above 125KL.
The given table depicts the price for the bill of water in Australian households, specifically in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. From an overall perspective, it is noticeable that Perth households pay t