IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the modern era, there has been a long-standing debate about whether these days more and more people are going to their countries for significant periods of time while finding a job or to study my standpoint, it has a
Starting a new life abroad is significantly popular among many. A lot of people find this tendency positive whereas it is claimed by others that there are several cons of a new life overseas. I will discuss both sides
There is no denying the fact that living in a foringe countries has become prelavent nowadays.While a commonly held belief that setting down abroad is a great opportunity to imporov their lives,there is also an argument
In this era of competition, many people like to spend their life in a foreign country. Some people are fond of foreign cultures while some people migrate to study and some people shift due to internal company transfer. T
We live in this era where mobility inter-country is something that can done easily whether to pursue education or find more opportunities of career. While deciding to live aboard sometimes very exciting for explore diffe
In our modern society, people often tend to go to another country that can help them have many chances for their studies or careers. Although this certainly brings them many advantages, but besides, they are also confron
Nowadays moving overseas to work or study is becoming increasingly popular. Many people find it attractive while others find it challenging. In this essay, I will discuss both pros and cons of migrating to foreign countr
Nowadays, many individuals are going abroad for some time, either to find job or to pursue further education which clearly beneficial but they also face some challenges. I believe with the experience from studying or wor
In an era characterized by increasing globalization, a rising number of individuals are opting to reside and labour overseas for an extended duration. This essay delves into the myriad of merits of new opportunities abro
n modern times, there is a growing trend towards immigrating to a foreign country for an extended time period to achieve goals both professionally and academically. While this trend can be associated with some drawbacks,
Nowadays, a massive number of communities are going to other regions for a specific period of time, for the purpose of working or studying. There are obviously many benefits that the crowd can gain from this. However, fo
Working and studying overseas has become a popular option for those who want to level up their career or education. More often than not, this opportunity is inextricably linked with the chance to elevate someone’s life q
As nowadays many people are going to other countries for a job or study this has two sides advantage as well as a disadvantage for people who are living abroad.
Nowadays, many people are moving abroad to study or work there for a certain period. Those believe that although many advantages are provided, there are also some drawbacks affect following. This essay will explore mo
Nowadays, Many citizens are leaving their hometowns for the sake of finding better Jobs or study opportunities, despite the difficulties that they can face while living abroad. Do the advantages of living and labouring o
Living in foreign lands is becoming increasingly common of late. Individuals either travel abroad for studies or work which comes with some advantages and disadvantages. In this essay, I'm going to highlight some merits
Presently, more people are prefer to study abroad or work in a different counties for a duration of time. there are many pros and cons to work or study in a different country and in the following of my essay, I will expl
Nowadays travelling abroad is a common issue among different ages of humans. Some believe that it's important to have a new career or study abroad, while others opine on this situation and firmly think that there are a
Nowadays more people tend to travel to other countries for educational and occupational reasons. Although there are advantages to spending time in a foreign country, the disadvantages are by no means negligible.
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