IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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With the development of multiple unavoidable ,circumstances most higher educational lectures were carried out as virtual presentations although there are ongoing arguments among their benefits. Although some people arg
The development of science and technology has made things possible which were once unimaginable. Most people opine that online classes have more merits than offline classroom lectures some argue that there are significan
In recent times, a good number of higher learning institutions, use the internet for their online lessons. Yet, many argue that remote learning has many benefits, as opposed to applying in-person collection. In my opinio
In recent times, a good number of higher learning institutions use internet platforms for lessons. Yet, many argue that remote learning has more benefits as opposed to in-person classes while others feel being in class p
The development of science and technology has made things possible which were once unimaginable. Most people opine that online classes have more merits than offline classroom lectures, ,however some argue that there are
when she was 7 her parents got divorced and non of them accepted her then her father immegrated abrod and her mother got maried with other guy and moved in to other city Her grandmother accepted her till 15 but her gran
Nowadays, leading universities like University College London, Imperial College London, University of Toronto have started offering online courses across a spectrum of subjects. This has sparked a debate about pros and c
Nowadays, because of the rise of technology, the world wide web became a medium of instruction. It is often thought by many that learning through the internet has more benefits than in traditional classroom settings. How
Nowadays, because of the rise of technology, the world wide web offers a lot of courses. It is often thought by many that learning through the internet has more benefits than in traditional classroom settings. However, s
In the current scenario, higher educational institutions are presenting a multitude of courses through the web medium. In this context , there is debate opened up by two sets of people, where one group is arguing that
People have a different opinion on whether caring the elderly at their own homes or nursing homes would be beneficial. I, personally, consider it would be better if they could be admitted in care homes since these ins
In the recent time, from the serious issues of Covid-19, a plethora universities offered and teaching courses through the internet. Some individuals think that this virtual learning is beneficial for them compared to phy
With the advances of technology and the latest lockdown policies due to the CoVid19 Pandemic, many universities around the world are offering classes via online platforms. In this essay, I will explain why teaching throu
Since the advances of technology and the latest lockdown policies due to the CoVid19 Pandemic, many universities around the world are offering classes via online platforms. In this essay, I will explain why teaching thro
Since the advances of technology and the latest lockdown policies due to the CoVid19 breakthrough, many universities around the world are offering classes via websites and online platforms. In this essay, I will explain
Providing online classes has become a common practice among most universities recent years. Despite recognizing its primary drawbacks, I overall feel that the positive sides of this trend certainly eclipse them. On the
Nowadays universities have started operating online classes because of the ongoing pandemic. Some consider this initiative very advantageous, while others think it has a lot of drawbacks. I personally don't believe that
Nowadays, there are an abundance of colleges which provide an online discipline. Several individuals believe that the courses through the internet have more benefits than traditional teaching and off-line training, howev
Nowadays, online teaching is recommended by many university staff to instruet the students from the distance. Some people believe that cources are offered through the Net has more disadvantages than unconverted teaching
Mankind is advancing at the same pace as that the speed of Internet . The online study courses brought up by several universities has undoubtedly modified the traditional teaching practices. However the fact that the pre
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