In recent years, watching television has become an integral part of modern life, bringing both benefits and challenges. While some argue that spending several hours on watching television has some advanatges, other belie
Many people debate whether children spending their free time watching TV brings more benefits than drawbacks. In my opinion, excessive TV watching has a more negative impact on children, as it can affect their health, so
Summer holidays play an important role in student’s life. I have decided to do a project on how Zetland university students usually spend their summer vocations and found a pie chart containing some interesting data on t
In contemporary society, most of the entertainment for the young generation is digitalized, and they spend their leisure time watching TV programs. This habit has both positive and negative impacts. And the latter outwei
In contemporary society children prefer spending their leisure time in front of the television or using other technological devices. This essay will discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of this trend. In my poin
Nowadays some children spend their leisure time watching TV shows programs, It appears that positive and negative of this event. This essay will provide both points of view about that statement.
Nowadays, many children consume their leisure time through watching TV and almost invest this activity whole day long. Nevertheless, there are two benefits and drawbacks of this habit for them.
It has been argued that children watch Television for long hours in their spare time, this activity will bring negative impact to their health and children do not have productive time.
Nowadays TV is the most common and favorable leisure activity of children. This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of TV and provide a logical conclusion.
In the modern world, young people spend the majority of their leisure time watching television. There are potential benefits and drawbacks of this practice but the negative impacts tend to be more significant.
Nowadays, technological devices have become an integral part of our lives. Hence, most children are spending their leisure moments watching various programs on either television or computer screens. In my point of view,
In contemporary settings of advanced media, children rather invest their leisure time in watching television. However, I considerably support the idea that its impact on juveniles, in terms of health and intelligence out