IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Tourism is one of the main contributors to a country's economic growth. There is an increasing trend of foreigners paying a visit to museums and historical places as compared to the locals. This essay will highlight the
There has been an interesting tendency that many culture-related attractions, including museums and historical buildings, are more likely to attract visitors from other places rather than local people. This essay will an
Among all the people who visit museums and historical sites every day, the majority are travellers who come from other places, and only a few are local people. This essay will discuss the likely cause of the phenomenon a
It is true that local popilace shows less inclination towards places of historical backgrounds and museums than tourists do. There are several reasona for this trend and various measures can be taken by government to imp
It is a common phenomenon today that many museums and historical sites worldwide are packed by tourists rather than local people. In my opinion, as far as national culture is concerned, we ought to take measures to encou
Most of the tourist places have many museums as well as sites of historical relevance. However, such places are majorly visited by foreign visitors rather than the natives. This essay intends to discuss the reasons behi
Most of the tourist places have many museums as well as sites of historical relevance. However, such places are majorly visited by foreign visitors rather than the localites. This essay intends to discuss the reasons beh
It is no surprise that the ratio of commuters visiting historical monuments is outnumbered by international people.This development has a plethora of root causes whereas;few measures can be taken to eradicate the proble
Most people who visit historical sites and museums are foreigners. The familiarity of the area made it so difficult for natives to get interested in them. With adequate advertising and a reduction in entrance fees, more
Heritage properties and antique exhibition are the sources of guidance from one generation to another. While, it attracts visitors from hundreds of miles, whereas, fewer footprints are seen by local residents. Therefore
Despite the fact that museums and historical places hold a vital role in any community, yet most of these places are often visited by tourists rather than the local inhabitants. This easy would delve into reasons behind
Although the historical places, as well as museums, are a great source of leisure and knowledge, still these places witness the least percentage of local visitors as compared to Travellers. Before concluding the efforts
It is argued monuments and museums are mostly tourism attractions places and also they are predominantly visited by tourists rather than local people. In this essay I will investigate the reason behind this issue and sug
Now a days , most of the people wear same type of attires all across the globe but was not the same earlier. They used to wore clothes in relation to their culture. I believe this trend as a positive development as it
The museum and ancient places are nowadays considered as a place of interest to attract the tourists from various countries. Having said that those places are less popular among the local people than the foreigner. This
Historical places have long been a staple destination for tourists recently. However, in recent years there is not an inclination for local people to visit these sites and these places are always packed with tourists. Th
Although most places have sites of historical interest and a variety of museums to visit, it is predominantly tourists who come to see them, not local people. This essay will examine the reasons for this before suggestin
Tourists visit the historical places and museums more than the native people. This essay will discuss some reasons for this situation and provide possible solutions to tackle this concern.
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