IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the light of the qualiferation of population throughout urban areas, some of them are staying in the tiny houses that do not have any backyards or frontyards. This writer considers that the statement have some adverse
There is a large number of residents who are settling down in small accommodations without any outdoor spaces because of an increase in the number of people all over the world. This writer presumes that this issue may de
It is widely known that due to overpopulation in cities, a large number of people are now living in houses that do not have space for recreational activities. I contend that this is a totally negative development.
In recent years, the population of many metropolitan cities is increasingly significant, so people have to live in small houses which will result in the lack of outdoor areas for individuals. The writer contends that thi
It is said that houses without outdoor areas is attributed to the increasing growth of individuals. As people would suffer from mental problems and lose family connection, I contend that this phenomenon is totally negati
It is widely known that, due to overpopulation in cities, a large number of people are now living in houses that do not have space for recreational activities. I contend that this is a negative development.
For the most part of the modern life, the majority of humans have been living in cramped homes which lack outdoor spaces, as a result, the population of humankind has expanded and flourished in recent years, especially i
The majority of people are staying in small houses and flats that don’t have external areas due to the increasing number of citizens. This writer believes that this is a negative development because it leads to environme
In present times, there is an increase in population within cities, which results in smaller accommodations for people, and the houses are so small that they do not have external spaces. The author of this essay believes
Regarding the fact of overpopulation in developed cities, land for outdoor activities in small residential area is being cut. This can be a negative alteration for the society because people have to cope with the lack of
As a result of the booming population, mini-sized accommodation does not have space for outdoor activities. The author contends that there is abundant evidence including relationship breakdown and health problems on the
With the growing number of populations in cities. Many people are living in small homes that don't have outdoor spaces. Is this a negative or positive development?
In modern life, because of the increasing population in the center city, people tend to live in some houses with a lack of outdoor spaces. This writer believes that this statement has a negative effect because it can cau
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