I want to tell you, why I changed the city and moved in London. It is very simple, as all of you know, I want to become a referee and I do my best. This was most important reason, why I moved from Sandy. This flat is ver
I hope this email letter finds you in great health. I have some exciting news that I am planning to come to visit your Toronto city, and I need some guidance from you.
I hope this letter finds you in radiant health and good spirits. It's been a while since we met each other. I'm quite excited to inform you that I am going to move to your city to grab some new employment opportunities.
I hope you and your family are doing well. I am writing this letter to share the good news with you that I have got a job transfer to Toronto where you justmoved in recently.
I hope you and your family are doing well. I am writing this letter to share the good news with you that I have got a job transfer to Toronto where you just moved in recently.
It was good speaking with you after ages on the phone last week. There have been some recent developments at my work. I have been elected to lead the marketing team in Atlanta, hence I thought I would get your insight in
I hope this letter finds you and your family well. I am glad to know that you are living in the same city where I am planning to move for employment purpose. I am writing this letter to you to seek your support for findi
How are you doing? I hope you are doing well. I have some exciting news for you. I got admitted for my post-graduate studies at the UNSW and I will be moving to Australia by June. I hope to see you more.
I hope you doing well and I'm so excited to share some exciting news about my new job as a senior tattoo artist in Canada. I was so stressed about this job because every single artist has great portfolio with them and I
Hope you are doing well, I got to know, you have relocated to Mumbai. Hope you have settled down now. You might fell excited to know that I am also moving to the same city next month.
I hope you and your family are well. I am writing this letter to let you know that I've a business trip to your city from October 6th to 12th. I'm going to stay in Le-Meridian hotel which is near to your house. Actually
I hope this letter finds you in a pink of health. I am writing to share a piece of exciting news about my personal life. Actually, I have decided to apply for higher studies at one of the reputed universities in Ottawa,
Hope you and Touba are enjoying the snowy season in Berlin! I have good news for you guys! I got an IT job in a well-recognized company in Berlin, and they provided a relocation option that I opted. Obviously, how could
Dear Jenish, I hope you and your family are well. I'm writing this letter in regard to get some advice about the city you just moved, as I will also arrive to the same city.
Hope you and your family doing well! how is your study going ?It is been a while since the last time I spoke with you and I almost forgot to tell you that I will be moving to London next week and just came to my mind yo