IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter to inform you about my arrival and departure from your Hotel Ritz- Carlton. I will be arriving on 21st july24 at 12.00 pm. I will be leaving on 24th july24 at please take note of it.
I am writing this letter to let you know that our family is planning a trip to Florida in the second week of January and we would like to make approrpiate reservations at your hotel for that weeked.
I am writing to let you know that I have a planned vacation scheduled with my family to fly to Hawaii. While browsing through some options on the internet, we finalized on accomodating at your beautiful hotel. We will be
I am writing this letter to request your assistance in booking our family's stay at your hotel, as well as to ask for some additional information.
My name is James Stockwood. I am arranging, with my wife and daughter, a family weekend holiday. I am elated to share the momentous news of picking your seaside hotel as our desired accommodation for this trip. The reaso
I am writing this letter to make some hotel arrangements for our family weekend trip. It has 5 star rating at google and furthermore it is a seaside hotel that matches best to our prefreneces.
I hope this email finds you in radiant health and you are doing well. I am writing this letter to reserve a room in your renowned hotel as I have planned to spend a weekend with my family next month.
I am writing this letter to you to make a reservation at the Seaside Hotel for the coming weekend. Please expect three guests to come with me including my father, mother, and sister.
Dear Sir, I am writing to make a reservation at your hotel over the course of the weekend.We are travelling as a family of four, Myself, my wife and my two children will be coming on this trip.
Dear Sir, I am writing to make a reservation at your hotel over the course of the weekend.We are travelling as a family of four, Myself, my wife and my two children will be coming on this trip.
Hope you are doing well. I writing this letter to inform you about my staycation in your hotel. I would like to booked for two rooms with beach view. In addition, could you please give extra goods such as hairdryer and s
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