IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I'm writing this letter to make a humble request which takes some time off my work. I have a celebration of my family get-together. This event is humungous for me because of my elder brother's arrival home after 5 years
I am writing this letter to ask that you grant me permission to be away from work within the last two weeks of May 2023 which is between the 17th and the 31st day of May; this is to enable me to travel and attend my late
I am writing this letter to ask you to take some time off from work. As I am working here from last 2 years and never get a chance to go to my home country to meet my parents, I would request you to give me some days off
Dear Manager, I am writing this letter to you to tell my problem and request some time off work. I will not be able to work next month. Because I have some problems. Last Saturday I went to the mountains to see thei
My name is Munisa Khamrayeva. I am a worker in your company. Your company is so friendly to each worker and always understands their conditions.This is the reason, I am writing to request you. Can you give me a holiday?
I am writing this letter to request you for allowing me a long break from my work. It would be really appreciated if you could assist me with this .
Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter to request you for allow some days off from work to me . It would be great if you could help me regarding this . I want to take the vacations from the office becaus
I am writing this letter to seek permission for attending the AI training course in Seoul. I already know enough information related to the details of this particular course and I believe it would be very beneficial for
I am your employee and work under sales department. I am writing this letter because I want a few days' leave from work as my uncle is suffering from liver cancer and he is in very serious condition. He lives in Islamab
I am Reham, working in your company. I am writing this letter with regard to inform you about my sister’s wedding, and I would be grateful if you would give me two days off.
I am writing this letter to request a leave for 10-days from the next Monday onwards. As you know quite well, I had not taken any off for the past 6 months.
My name is Shikha and I have been working in your company for the last seven years as a Project Manager. I am writing this letter to take your permission for a few days leave as my sister is getting married in the next 2
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