IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In our world, there are a lot of good things. These things affect our life. wachting Television is one of these things. Some people think that this is a positive development, while others disagree and think it may lead t
In contemporary society children prefer spending their leisure time in front of the television or using other technological devices. This essay will discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of this trend. In my poin
In this modern society , there is no doubt that childrens are spending more time in playing video games and some people say that playing violent games is the reason for the increase in violence and crime in the society .
In this modern era of globalization, some argue that both parents going out for work is a necessity. Others say that adolescents may receive inadequate support due to the absence of their parents. This essay will present
There is no denying the fact that nowadays, the most popular competition for families is to go out to work. While it is a commonly held belief that kids in these families benefit from the extra income, there is also an a
Either father or mother are expected to have a career in order to be financially secure. While there might be some downsides, one of those is kids may feel unloved by the absence of both their parents. In my opinion, the
Modern technology has made it very easy to access anything over the internet, young generation loves to keep themselves entertained by playing games available online. These days young people prefer to play extreme games
In the epoch of competition encircling, working parents have become an indubitable social phenomenon. For this reason, couples would like to earn a lot of money to support their loved ones. Additionally, although the phe
In today's fast pacing world adolescents are given upsurging amount of exemption for doing whatever they want , therefore youngsters give preferences to violence in games to feel cool , this maybe the reason for the viol
Nowadays, most families have to work harder than ever before to survive an average life in most countries. Therefore, both parents member choose to go out to work for their ongoing and bright future. In this case, some p
It is considered by some that children of parents whose both mother and father are employed have better financial stability, there are others who think that these children may not get enough help from their busy parents.
Nowadays, in many regions, more teens take part in working. Some people argue that it is worthwhile for teenagers ,and they can cultivate their skills and have responsibility . In this essay, I agree with it.
In this contemporary epoch, parents working for their children's bright future is common. This has become a topic of debate, as some are in favour of working couples, while other think that children should get appropriat
In today's world, violence and crime among kids has emerged as big issue. Different nations are bringing various laws to curb it. All major cities of world are fighting with this damn problem. Many reasons are responsibl
There is no doubt that these days many families prefer to work in regards to both parents. The question is, what the benefits for both parents to work and what are the drawbacks if they work at the same time? In this ess
There is no doubt these days violent games play a vital role in our children routine. The question is, the violent games are the reason for increasing number of crimes in the most important cities around the world? In th
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