IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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how are you ? I hope you are fine ? I’m writing this letter because I read your letter about the noise from my house. Firstly, the noise coming from my house is because I want to change the decor of my house. Some worker
My name is Nisa and I live next to your flat (flat 40U). I have just been informed that you recently written a complain letter regarding the noise from my flat and I would like to say sorry for this.
Last week I got a letter from yours. In that letter you mentioned a lot of noise coming from my flat, thus your families are encountering asleep issues, since last two weeks. Firstly, my dormitary room is very old and th
I hope this letter finds you in good health and best of spirits. I have read your complaint letter of high noise disturbance that you faced from my flat. Actually, I was renovating my kitchen thus, everything was getting
My name is Varma, and I live in the house next door to yours. Recently, I received a letter from you, complaining about the noise from my flat. Firstly, I'm very sorry for causing the disturbance.
I hope that you will be doing well. I am writing this letter to response your complain of noise from my flat. Actually some cupboards in my room which were out of order and we we started to repair them. In this regard lo
I hope this letter finds you in a good health. Recently, I received a mail from you in which you complain about the noise coming from my house. First and foremost, I want to inform you that i am a musician by profession.
I would like to apologise for having a bit of noise disturbance at my house last night. I was unaware that your family could not sleep properly due to having inconvenient noises.
I am writing to apologise for the inconvenience that caused you because of the loud voices and music from my house last Sunday. However, I was not aware of the level of noise we created that night until I saw your compl
I am writing this letter in response to your letter of noise coming from my flat during day time from 11 am to 8pm. As I am refurbishing my flat and carpenter and mason are working the whole day to facelift my flat. ther
I am writing to you with reference to your complaint.Last night you felt noise in my flat because i have installed a new air conditioner in my child's room.Due to an electricity ,problem I can not finish the air conditio
I hope this letter finds you well. Hope you are doing good. I got your letter yesterday. First of all, I sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused.
I am Yousra Ahmed . I have been living next to your door for 10 years. I have received your letter complaining about the noise which is coming from our house . I am writing to you to inform you that our first-floor cons
I am writing this letter in response to the complaints received from the administration department of our society regarding the noise coming from my flat. As you are aware that my daughter is getting married next week, t
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