IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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Nowadays speaking only one foreign language is considered too little for modern humans. Some professionals assume that it is preferable to initiate studying a different tongue at elementary education as opposed to middle education. Although learning an additional language in the young age carries its own drawbacks, I am convinced that school children can acquire many advantages out of it.
In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided to do it.
Recently, many people have preferred renting a house over purchasing one in a significant number of countries worldwide. While there are some advantages to such an approach, there are also some disadvantages to consider. In this essay, I will explain some of the merits and the drawbacks related to this trend.
Accommodation and transport problems are increasing in many large cities. Businesses are encouraged to move to rural areas. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?
It is definitely true that the consumption of sugary drinks has dramatically increased in recent years. The properties found in such drinks are responsible for this, and various actions can be taken to deal with this situation.
These days most people prefer to stay in a rented house rather than buying it. There are advantages to renting the house like near to workplace and easily available by paying a small amount of deposit, there are, however, several disadvantages too.
These days more and more people are working remotely by means of computers and telephones. Remote workers can benefit from working from anywhere and anytime as well as reduced costs but there are also drawbacks to be considered.
An increasing number of people would like to visit areas of extreme condition, such as the Sahara Desert or the Antarctic or the Mountain Everest. This could leave the impressive experiences in a person's life, but it also exists some risks during the journey.
There is an increasing popularity for junk food among working class people because of the ease in preparing them. The increase in ready made food has aided individuals in keeping up with the fast paced lifestyle in modern times. This essay will discuss the benefits of eating convenience foods as well as point out to the fact that it is dangerous to keep eating ready made food despite the advantages.
Nowadays, the technology provides the opportunity to be a worker and earn for life without being obliged to get to an office. This modern lifestyle has both its benefits and downsides, which I will discuss below.
In many countries children are taught a foreign language at secondary school. But some educationalists condsider that it is more effective for pupil to start learning a non-native language at primary school. Although educating a second language at the first year of the school might have some negative impacts on children, the benefits of this trend prevail over its drawbacks.
With the advent of different types of transport it is now easy to reach any corner in the world. To be specific for travellers, it's meant to be a feast. When a person travells internationally it yields more benefits than drawbacks to both the visitor and the state.
In this fast-paced consumer society, people often work over 60 hours a week to pay for their needs and wants. Millions of individuals opt to spend their time at work rather than with family and friends so they can increase the quality and quantity of goods and services they buy. This has a major impact on their personal and social lives. The benefits of working more to purchase more are greater than the deficits as this situation empowers individuals for better experiences and less stress.
The world has witnessed lately an increasing number of small families over the big ones. This essay will discuss a couple of benefits and drawbacks of small families.
In this contemporary world online shopping plays major role in human’s day to day life. This has become a trend and many people tend to use the world wide web to purchase their consumer goods on their day to day life. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend and shows that, indeed, traditional shopping is more superior than the online shopping.
With the advent of modern technology and medical treatment regimens, elderly people above 65 years have longer life expectancy and spend physically active life. They can contribute very actively towards the development of society, owing to the years of experience they earned in their life time.
It is undeniable that international travel plays a crucial role in flourishing a country. While some believe that it has a negative impact on well-beings and the environment, others believe that it offers tremendous benefits. This essay will explain why I believe that the benefits of international tourism on countries outweigh the drawbacks when compared to well-beings and the environment.
It is common for some people that running a family business lead to the best success. This essay will highlight both the benefits and drawbacks that result from this approach.
In spite of the recent development of global society, a lot of families decide to move to overseas for their work. Many people think that there are disadvantages of moving other country. I agree some extent with this view, while there may be some advantages with this opinion, it seems to me that it is more likely to have beneficial effects on the family.
The percentage of vegetarian people grows in some parts of the world. Therefore, this essay deals with the question, if the pros or cons of living on a meatless diet weight more.
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