IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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In spite of the recent development of global society, a lot of families decide to move to overseas for their work. Many people think that there are disadvantages of moving other country. I agree some extent with this view, while there may be some advantages with this opinion, it seems to me that it is more likely to have beneficial effects on the family.
The percentage of vegetarian people grows in some parts of the world. Therefore, this essay deals with the question, if the pros or cons of living on a meatless diet weight more.
In the contemporary era, sports competitions have become so popular worldwide for entertaining audiences. Meanwhile, large companies spend a huge amount of salary to invite sports celebrities to promote their products. Some people believe that this will benefit communities and their fans. However, I personally disagree with this view and the essay will discuss about my opinion.
In the past, the parents used to give birth to children at very early stages of their married life. However, with the shift in lifestyle, nowadays, people prefer to have kids later in their life. This trend has its advantages and disadvantages and this essay will discuss them.
The internet has facilitd working at home instead going to office. However it has decreased contact among people. This essay shall consider the advantages and disadvantages of working at home and ent at a personal approach.
It is true that the young in developed countries tend to do some part-time voluntary work to help people in developing ones. Reasons for this vary, and I believe that the trend is beneficial to both the community and these youngsters.
Online shopping customers are growing rapidly day by day.There is a drastic elevation in the utilization of the online shopping in recent days.This essay will discuss about the benefits of online-purchases for the masses and the organizations and then further discuss on the disadvantages of online shopping for public and companies.
Purchasing things on the internet is gaining momentum in the recent days. People are being more tech-savvy to buy things on the virtual platform. Though, purchasing products and services bring along some disadvantages, I believe that buying things on online carries a lot of benefits.
Recently, there is a remarkable increase in trend in tourists visiting extreme weather conditions like too hot or too cold. Visiting such places has its own advantages and drawbacks which we will be discussing in this essay.
A developing tendency all over the world that is having a small household rather than a large household. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages about the tendency with relevant examples.
The internet has become an essential part of our life and it is hard not to underestimate its influence in modern society. However, it is a very complicated question to answer about its positive and negative sides in terms of people’s reaction towards it.
People have different views about the outcomes of learning history and how to use knowledge of history-making in the future. Although some people argue that studying history has nothing to offer, others opine that studying history has a great prospect for discovering our past and using the wisdom to shape our future. This essay investigates both views, but I am personally inclined to the latter opinion.
Nowadays, customers consume meals that have transferred thousands of miles away from their producers. Whereas some people assume that it will be great for the environment and economy if people only consume locally produced food. There are benefits and drawbacks to this issue which I will explain in this essay.
Technology has impacted every aspect of human life and shopping is no exception. The explosive growth of internet and social media has led to the phenomenon of online shopping and tech savvy consumers are now fulfilling their needs through online shopping. Online shopping effects companies and consumers favorably and has various drawbacks as well.
Studying abroad is becoming increasingly popular among student these days. Although students will face cultural and linguistic challenges while studying abroad, it will also give them endless career opportunities later on in their life. In my opinion, students will get more benefits by studying overseas, even though they may have to pay a significant amount of money.
As countries around the world continue to modernise and develop, there is more consumerism, industry, and transport and a corresponding need for more gas and oil. One option to meet this demand is to find it in otherwise untouched and remote places, such as the North Pole. However, I believe that doing this is not the right solution.
There is no doubt that more and more people are able to travel to places that use to be difficult to get to. In my point of view, this kind of travel is definitely an exciting and unforgotten experience, but it also has some drawbacks.
The widespread use of the computers and telephones lead the quite massive alterations throughout various aspects of lives and the working areas where people seek to put the effort in order to get an outcome regarding their profession had also been affected by this upgoing trend. It is undeniable fact that the possibility of working outside of the offices, especially at homes via portable technological devices harbours backwards. However, I strongly argue that having the chance to work at home contains more advantages.
Consumer goods have become the mainstay of people’s living. This essay is an attempt to study the advantages and disadvantages and provide a conclusion.
Many people tend to work for themselves rather than work for a company or organization these days. I think this situation can be explained by the advancement of the communication tools and the increasingly intense competition in the job market.
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