IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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Today, tourists spots in every country have become the source of income for many countries, but it has certain drawbacks too. This essay will discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of tourism development in countries and provide a logical conclusion.
It is often argued that international tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. But I feel that there is a considerable impact on local inhabitants and the environment due to the increase of the tourism in a particular place.
Having a large number of youth is a symbol of developing countries. Even this could have advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, the positive implications of having more youth then old age out weight the negative ones.
Having a large number of youth is a symbol of developing countries. Even this could have advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, the positive implication of having more youth then old age out weight the negative ones.
In this fast changing modern era, technology upgrade day by day and people of each age-group are using many devices. The numerous parents are encouraging their kinds to play computer games because they believe with the help of this, they can develop technology skills. I would like to put shine on the merits and demerits of playing on computer in subsequently paragraphs.
It is estimated that there are more than five thousand spoken languages in the world. Owing to the advancements in the fields of IT, it is now possible for people to translate with the aid of applications online. The main advantage of such a crucial innovation is that it allows the world to be more global and accessible, irrespective of ethnicity or cultural background. However, such apps are often prone to errors, and thus many have called into question its efficacy.
Nowadays, cultural tourism is welcomed and encouraged in most countries, where it is seen both as an opportunity to display national treasures and achievements to visitors, and also as a source of income and jobs. However, in spite of these benefits, it can also pose severe problems for the specific sites which are visited.
Increasing advancement in technology and development in economy have equipped people throughout the world with their own vehicles.This essay intends to discuss the merits and demerits of this particular trend.
In this contemporary era, the world is changing by leaps and bounds. The usage of computers in each and every field has increased steadily. Some people opine that we increasingly depend on the computers whereas the others argue that some innate abilities of men cannot be vanished due to more usage of computers. I totally agree with the aforesaid statement, but there are many things which humans will use in the prospective.
It is undeniable that after third world war, most of the developed nations like US, UK and Russia have been playing an essential role in fostering the economic growth of under developed nations. However, a considerable amount of people opines that this approach has a detrimental effect. In this essay i will examine both viewpoints in the following essay before forming any establishment.
The world has been globalized, therefore it is more convenient for travellers to wander around the world. Nowadays, most travellers are seeing and spending time at the places which have challenging circumstances, for instance Antartica or desert Sahara. There are both merits and demerits of this particular matter.
People have different perspective regarding online shopping. Because of increasing demand of consumers there are a lot of profitable companies nowadays. Although some buyers and business enjoying the benefits of shopping online, others facing negative experiences.
Certain individual use networking applications to be in regular touch with other people and news occasions. In my opinion, I think that social media can bring about more benefits for people compared to any Disadvantages it might bring.
It is a well known fact that food is very necessary for the human beings. Most of the people prefer to eat junk food as compared to homemade food. There are some merits as well as demerits, which I will discuss in the upcoming paragraphs.
Fast food has become so popular in recent times. It is available to all kinds of individuals. However, it brings more drawbacks than the advantages, which will be discussed in this essay.
Nowadays, chemicals are being used for food growth and preservation, it has advantages as well as disadvantages. Before making any conclusion all facts are needed to be discussed thoroughly. In further paragraphs merits and demerits are enlisted.
People have different perspective regarding paid work some it can be useful, others consider it negative impact to children. They can learn to value money and be a responsible person from doing paid work but there are also a problem behind that.
There has been a widespread argument spanning across several Nations that the legal proceedings and sentences of lawbreakers and felon be broadcasted for the Citizens to view. While this argument has its advantages and disadvantages, I am of the opinion that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Due to the recent developments in the fields of technology, Online mating has now now become feasible for people. Un-committed can widely benefited by such advancement in order to seek for their partners, and is surely suggested by me. However, along with its merits, it does have few demerits as well. This essay shall throw the light on both the sides.
In recent years, more and more inhabitants in differents countries are having chances to observe a live criminal proceedings via one of the most prevalent mass medias- TV.Although the drawback of broadcasting is present such as spoilting the information about the offenders, the cons of that action is outnumbering the pros since it helps people learn loads of lessons and justice will be conceded undoubtly.
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