IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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Nowadays, mobile phones are used for different tasks, no just for making calls. As well as using them have grown quickly in the modern society. Being communicated all the time could be an advantage, since that is practical, thus, a possible disadvantage could be that people are dependent to that device.
In our world today, internet networking has occupied a major position in our daily activities including at home, our free time and work place. Besides achieving effective communication with friends, family and colleagues, people surf the web to get updates on different things including jobs, fashion, sports. In addition, network people use of internet has improved from 2G to 3G/ 4G and now 5G in some countries. These networks are made available by different network providers at affordable rates and could be shared with different mobile devices and laptops via tethering, routers and Wi-Fi. However, there are negative consequences of internet networking, including addiction, depression and suicide ideations, but its advantages still outweighs them.
Nowadays, there are a number of people working various jobs and changing their careers regularly. In this essay, I will address some positive aspects and several drawbacks of this.
Today, the internet is being used more than ever before. Although the internet creates an easy access to more information and a range of entertainment options, I still think the drawbacks of this trend outweigh the benefits.
In the recent times, many people have developed a passion for travelling especially, to places which are inhabitable and hostile. The conditions can be extremely dangerous, yet they want to test their limits and explore the unknown. This essay will shed some light on pros and cons of a trip to such places.
More and more university students are choosing to study abroad. Despite higher university fees, studying in a foreign country will give students a multicultural experience. In my opinion, the multicultural experience outweighs the higher university fees. This experience will help the students during and long after their studies.
Traditions and customs are in a state of flux nowadays. One result of these cultural upheavals is that parents in many countries are now choosing to have fewer children than in the past. In this essay, I will examine what I consider to be the main advantages and potential drawbacks, from both children’s and parents’ perspectives, of having smaller families.
In recent times, it is very common for many pupils to travel overseas to complete their higher education. This type of education is certainly beneficial for students from under-developed countries which provide them with an opportunity to chose a wide range of science courses, as well as meeting students from different backgrounds and nationalities but there are also drawbacks to be taken into account.
Some people, these days, should be work far from their family, so it has an array of advantages and disadvantages for this statement and I broadly agree that this can be advantageous for both ones and their family.
Peoples are divided on the issue that countries should encourage the young peoples to do jobs or to travel before attending university. Some people think that it is better for students to attend university, while others believe that travelling and working before joining the university for formal education is better for the students to understand the world. In my opinion, it is very important for students to develop communication, attain maturity and develop professional attitudes and the latter approach is the best way of achieving it.
In our daily life, we communicate information through lots of different media like the internet, televisions, radios, books, cell phones, films etc. We are living in such a time when information is one of the most important issues and the information technologies as well as the communication media greatly influence our lives. The rapid-growing websites and TV channels are many of few little examples how the media are spreading to make information easily accessible. All the media for information interchange have advantages and disadvantages and not all can attract all types of audiences. Comics, books, radios, televisions, film and theatre are all very powerful media for communicating information. In my opinion books, televisions and film among those aforementioned six media are most effective.
Communication plays a vital role in today`s world. It enables us to provide database about the world in progress. There are various types of media in use nowadays, namely, comics, books, radio, TV, film and troupe. From these most effective ones are the books, TV and the theatre.
Communication plays a vital role in today`s world. It enables us to provide database about the world in progress. There are various types of media in use nowadays, namely, comics, books, radio, TV, film and theatre. From these most effective ones are the books, TV and the theatre.
In today’s world, the number of people prefer e-books to printed ones is rising at an excessive speed. It raises a controversy among people, whether upsides of e-books can overwhelmed their downsides. From my point of view, I totally concur with the idea that e-books are more beneficial than harmful.
There are many ways to protect wildlife in our community, the country, and the world. With the human expansion and their nature exploitation, it became a vitality to find sanctuary for indigenous life. The ecologists concern for wildlife sanctuaries to protect endangered species. In this essay, we can discuss the pros and cons of this demand.
Employee vs employment has always been a heated debate among young generation. Most of the individuals tend to priorities entrepreneurship, rather than accepting a job in an organisation. This essay will discuss the benefits as well as drawbacks of opting business as a career.
In this modern era, telecasting court sessions on television is often debatable issue. Some people argue that criminal proceedings shown on TV set give many benefits, whereas some others oppose this point of view. This essay opines that demerits of broadcasting criminal sessions on television far outweigh its merits.
In recent decades, solar energy is beginning to become more widely used as a source of household energy in the world. The idea of having solar panels on buildings is becoming more popular with many companies and researchers investing in this particular field. Though it is preferable, there are few disadvantages regarding solar energy usage.
It is true that many young people are easily influenced by their peers. While I accept that this can sometimes have a positive effect on children, I believe that it is more likely to have a harmful impact.
It is generally acknowledged that large multinational organizations are forcing small companies to vanish and taking over their position in the market. While having a rising number of multinational companies has several potential benefits, personally, I believe, they are both outnumbered and outweighed by the demerits. This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon followed by my personal point of view.
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