IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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The importance of one language which was always a debatable has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is beneficial, while others reject this notion. In the following piece of writing, I will elaborate both pros and cons associated with the given assertion and thus will lead to a logical conclusion.
It is important to complete education in this educational era. In recent days, some learners choose to travel or task for a particular date after school instead of applied directly to the university. This trend has had its own merits and demerits. Both the aspects are discussed further.
There is now an increasingly popular trend of people choosing to work and study overseas for most of their lives. As with most important decisions, there are both advantages and disadvantages to this. This essay will look at some of the benefits and drawbacks of living and working in a foreign country.
Nowadays, learning a foreign language has considered as a pivotal feature for better future. It is often regarded that it is more advantageous to start learning a foreign sound at an early stage of life instead of learning it at a later stage. I entirely agree with this and I think that it is much more significant for children to learn a second tongue at primary school. In the following lines, it will be further explained.
To commence with, on average, an individual works for almost twenty-five to thirty years before his or her stop going to their job. To explain, this time span is quite long enough and by the time they reach the age of 55 or 60 most of them have already worked hard and fulfilled their responsibilities like providing education for their children and saving enough for their future. Therefore, after quitting job individuals need time for themselves to enjoy their life. To illustrate further, according to a recent survey by the World Health Organization, people who retire at the age of sixty and do not work after that were 30% happier than those who continue to duties after future. Retirees, therefore, should spend plan for travelling to new places and also in physical activities like Yoga and Meditation that can improve their health.
There is no doubt that these days everyone is looking to wear comfortable outfits at work, however, the question: Do all jobs have to force employees to wear certain uniforms? Is being a controversial issue nowadays, while I tend to believe that only some careers require specific unified clothes for all workers.
In today's modern world, language plays an indispensable role in both studies and jobs as well as during socialising. Thus, instead of studying language at secondary school, some professionals encourage children to start learning a foreign language at primary school. Although this proposal has some drawbacks, I would argue that there are more benefits.
Nowadays, the question of whether the government should pay for children's education or not has been receiving a great deal of public attention. although this assistance is not without the disadvantages, the upsides will be far more significant.
Nowadays, in most of the countries, companies are providing maternity leave to the female employees after they give birth to their child. Some individuals believe that it is beneficial for both mother and their infants, while others contradict that maternity leaves occur loss to the human resource and management.This essay will delineate why the advantages greater than the disadvantages.
Information machinery plays a significant role in daily activities which is altering various aspects of lives. I believe that the merits of information automation are far more than its demerits.
It is true that men have always been dominating the world of politics. Given the many wars throughout the history of mankind, many people believe that the world would become a better place for everyone if it were run by women. In this essay, however, I will challenge this school of thought.
No doubt that being valuable by people around you helps you to feel happy and excited to explore this life more. Mostly, old people feel useless and they have been ignored, especially after retirement and setting at home doing nothing. Recently, studies and researches have proved that senior people can participate in our communities magnificently, which in return will help them to fill their empty life and maintain their healthy active life. In this essay I will discuss ways that older people could take advantage of them to feel more satisfied and pleased.
Computers have invaded the world with a plethora of applications, causing a gradual dependency of man on it, with no field spared from its impact ranging from schools to large scale market, medical use, defence and many more. In my view it has a remarkable ability to outperform in impending years and its consequences are rather debatable.
In a few cities, there is less control on architect, structure of houses, office establishment, although landlords can determine on technique of residential. I believe that it has more disadvantages without the proper planning.
Children nowadays are turning to fast food and convenience snacks and there are many reasons for this unhealthy trend. Globalization, the influence of the western culture, fast services, high disposable income and unique taste are some of the factors encouraging the intake of fast food. This article will throw light on some of the major causes of this practice and the possible consequences.
Nowadays, an increasing number of people tend to go abroad for their careers or education. As a result, starting a life in another rustic is becoming quite popular in our society. However, leaving your motherland and travelling to foreign countries have pros and cons. In this essay, I will explore both sides of this kind of decision and try to draw some conclusions.
Nowadays, people are increasingly visiting places with intense conditions such as the Sahara desert or the Antarctic. There are several benefits and disadvantages of such tours which depends on many factors.
With the growth of supermarket sectors all over the world, customers can find international food at one stop. Some people think that food imported from distant lands has a negative effect on the local economy and culture. They are of the opinion that localities must prefer eating regionally with farmers and local producers. In my opinion, more popularity of regional food will help in the business and employment locally.
Many people suggest their staff subsidies to be as a participator of acrobatic center or sports clubs, suppose that it may make their employees well-being and more beneficial in their working process, however there are those who think that is ineffective. Firstly, this essay will discuss that subsidies could be more effective and may lead to high levels of output and service of the company. Secondly, it will analyze that the company budget might spend on job training or day release programs.
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