IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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Many people believe that the main and most important thing that matters when it comes to get a job is the amount of money they will earn. Money brings people a feeling of safety, so as a result, a lot of people think that jobs should be chosen by people, depending on their income to ensure everyone’s needs are covered. However, despite I agree that money is one of the most important things to keep in mind when people is looking for a job, in my opinion love and time are as important as money.
Since the new invention of this modern era, most people are considerably interested to download an e-book on their smart phones and laptops as this kind of books is weigh less and much easier for them to hold by their hands. Storage has become easier, shipping is no more an issue, and these are a sample of many other advantages of e-books. However, it may affect your eye health badly. Through the next lines, this essay will discuss both the merits and demerits.
In the modern era, junk food has become a habit at the highest level among the youngsters. There are a number of reasons which led to negative impact on the health and immune system as well. I would like to shed some causes in the following paragraphs.
The car has both Advantages and Disadvantages, but from my point of view it has more application.
Nowadays, it is a growing trend for people to have different professions simultaneously and to work for a wide range of places rather than staying stably at the same company during their lives. However, there are both pros and cons in doing this. In this essay, I will discuss some of the reasons why doing various jobs is popular and some of the challenges to be overcome.
So nowadays there have been a trend of visiting different places, which was not there earlier, so what we have to see what is that and what are the main outcomes and how it helps them.
In the modern world, technological breakthroughs have made changes to every facet of humankind, including the way people work. As a matter of fact, the number of those who are computer- literate is increasing, leading to the prevalence of working from home. Despite some undeniable advantages, many drawbacks should be taken into consideration.
Food takes a necessary part in human’s life in order to lengthen the lifespan and give us adequate energy to complete daily activities. Some people will opt for imported food from other countries while some of them prefer fresh and healthy food made locally. Personally, I believe there are a lot more benefits if people solely ate food produced from local farmers, reasons will be showcased in the following.
These days, more people have started working from home with technological devices which connect them to the internet rather than commuting daily to job. In this essay, I will talk about the drawbacks and benefits of this advancement.
Globalization has resulted in the advancement of people-connecting technology and travelling. Is it possible for a personnel to perform from his base venue for any other place of job? Of course, yes. Human resource now has a wider choice to stay, and task anywhere in the globe because of this development of technology and transport. While this high-tech growth has few disadvantages, in my opinion, the advantages certainly outweigh them. In this essay we will weigh both the pros and cons of this debate, and will draw an inference.
In the ancient times, the journey across the lands or oceans took days and years to reach due to transportation. However, in the contemporary era, with the burgeoning of technology, travelling has become convenient. Previously, only the elite class was able to travel due to the expensive fares, but now they are cheap and reasonable for everyone. As a consequence, it has benefitted the tourists as well as the countries. Therefore, the pros of the mushrooming visitors overpower the cons.
It is an irrefutable fact that the most of the students are moving to another nation because of higher studies. For those people, it is very hard to find places where they want to stay. Some people assert that living in an apartment is the best option as compared to university residence. In my opinion, it is true to stay in an apartment, but up-to some extent.
Traditionally, children have begun studying foreign languages at secondary school, but introducing them earlier is recommended by some education. This policy has been adopted by some educational authorities or individual schools, with both positive and negative outcomes.
Successful career and a sophisticated lifestyle are the two important requirements of the modern world. In recent years, owning a business has gained more popularity over having a job and working in a multinational company. This essay will discuss so as to why being self-employed is not a great career option.
Due to the advancement of computer technology, it will become economical and accessible to every individual to work from their dwelling or study remotely by the use of personal computers. This trend will be beneficial as well as detrimental to society. Both the merits and demerits are elaborated further.
Although studying another language is thought by some to be useful knowledge for children at primary schools, other people consider it can be detrimental. In my opinion, I think picking up a foreign language from an early age can bring about more problems for children compared to any advantages it might bring.
The importance of one language which was always a debatable has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is beneficial, while others reject this notion. In the following piece of writing, I will elaborate both pros and cons associated with the given assertion and thus will lead to a logical conclusion.
It is important to complete education in this educational era. In recent days, some learners choose to travel or task for a particular date after school instead of applied directly to the university. This trend has had its own merits and demerits. Both the aspects are discussed further.
There is now an increasingly popular trend of people choosing to work and study overseas for most of their lives. As with most important decisions, there are both advantages and disadvantages to this. This essay will look at some of the benefits and drawbacks of living and working in a foreign country.
Nowadays, learning a foreign language has considered as a pivotal feature for better future. It is often regarded that it is more advantageous to start learning a foreign sound at an early stage of life instead of learning it at a later stage. I entirely agree with this and I think that it is much more significant for children to learn a second tongue at primary school. In the following lines, it will be further explained.
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