IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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It is true that commentators have different discussions about the importance of further study after graduating from high school. Some people assent to the idea that having a higher educational level is included as a part of a successful career path, whereas others believe that working right after school is a better option.
Many countries in the world rely on motorways for speedy and efficient transportation, as they are a very convenient way of travelling long distances. However, motorways also have negative aspects such as dangerous traffic, damage to the environment and pollution. In this essay, I will look at some of the problems of motorways and how they can be overcome.
Obesity is a rising problem in the world today. The main cause of this problem is unhealthy eating habits and the most viable solution is a public awareness campaign warning people about the dangers of eating junk food.
While gap years are increasingly popular, they continue to be rather controversial because the benefits are hard to quantify exactly. There are arguments on both sides of this very topical debate, and I will discuss them now.
Incorporating mathematics into the school curriculum has long been part of the traditional educational system. However, some parents argue that mathematics is not a necessary subject, while others still believe that it is. This essay will discuss both of these viewpoints.
It is argued that these days, family members do not always have meals together as they used to do. There are several reasons for this situation and it can result in a variety of negative effects on family life and wellbeing.
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