The line chart shows the population of different species of turtles in India from 1980 to 2012. Overall, Olive Ridley Turtles received dramatical increase in population while Leatherback turtles and Green turtles noticed
The chart illustrates critical evidence about the hot desert climate in grasslands for various periods of time in the years 1980 and 2000. This unit is measured in precipitation.
The line graph provides the data about the proportion of dwellers who lived in the cities in four different countries, namely the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, between 1970 and 2040, starting in 1970.
The illustration depicts the portion of four countries' export in Australia in the span of 22 years; from 1990 to 2012. China has the increasing trend number of export, while India almost consistently gained the lowest.
The line graph illustrares the rate of visitors between 1980 and 2015 in four international museums ( Louvre, Vatican Museums, London Scinence Museum and Shenzhen Meuseim ).
The given bar chart illustrates the proportion of sector contributions to India’s gross domestic product in three different categories (agriculture, industry, and services) over four decades, from 1960 to 2000.
The given charts illustrate the proportions of elderly men and women workers aged 60-64 in four major countries; Australia, Japan, the USA, and Belgium in 1970 and 2000. Units measured in percentage of men and women aged
The graph below represents the prevalence of smoking per 1000 people in Someland from 1960 to 2000. It is evident from the bar chart that, until 2000. In the 1960s, women smoked less than men. But over time, the number o
The presented line chart indicates the annual number of Pizzas, Fish and Chips, and Hamburgers eaten by Australian adolescents in two and a half decades.
The depicted line graph illustrates the city population rate in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand from 1970 until 2020, with a prognosis for 2030 and 2040.
The given charts illustrate how many trips were made by students to travel to and from in specific country in 1990 and 2010 using different types of transport. Units are measured in total number of trips per year in mil
The graphs illustrate the changes in having electrical means and how much time spent doing housework by households in a country in a 99-year period between 1920 and 2019.
The given line chart compares data about the proportion of inhabitants of 4 various Asian countries who lived in the cities between 1970 and 2020, and will live in urban areas in 2030 and 2040.
Around the world, many individuals are working from home, and more children are starting to study from home because technology has become inexpensive and more available. In this essay, I will explore why I believe that w
The graph provides information on the percentage of the population in four Asian countries namely the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia living in Cities from 1970 to 2040.
The chart illustrates essential information about tenants living in the cities in four different Asian towns from 1970 to 2020. The years 2020 to 2040 are based on predictions. This unit is measured on percentages.