The line graph illustrates the financial aid donated by four organizations to improve facilities in various countries over a three-year period, from 2008 to 2011, measured in billions of dollars.
The table demonstrates the average amount of money spent in percentages on household items namely housing ,food and entertainment in USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and Germany in the year 2023.
The table depicts the amount of milk production anually in four different countries in two-year intervals from 1990 to 2010. Overall, the Nethelands produced the most milk over the period, yet it was fluctuated. Meanwhil
The given table compares data about the number of people per million who lived and will live in 4 various countries namely, Argentina, Indonesia, Italy, and the Republic of Korea at three points in time namely, 2003, 202
The bar chart illustrates the average price per kilometre exported into the European market garments in 1993 and 2003.Overall, there were 6 main cloth exporters, and the vast majority were the Asian countries.
The bar chart illustrates the average price per kilo of exported into the European market garments in 1993 and 2003.Overall, there were 6 main cloths exporters, and the vast majority is the Asian countries.
A glance at the bar chart provided reveals price percentage of clothing exported from several countries during two years (1997 and 2003). It is evident that average cost for a kilo of cloth imported into European Union h
The bar chart reppresented percentage of the recommended daily amount of fruit and vegetables percentage of the population in the UK consumers in 2002, 2006 and 2010. Ovearall, Women's chart shows the highest peak in all
The bar charts depict the proportion of obesity among boys and girls aged 12 to 19 years old between three distinct ethnicities in the United States in 2004 and 2014. Overall, it is evident that Hispanic boys and Non-His
A line graph indicates data which a cofee export from 3 types of country such as Brazil, Colombia and Costa Rica between 2002 and 2012. Also, the table represent the proportion that changes between these exports for thes
The given line graph describe the information of three countries (Brazil, Colombia and Costa Rica) which imports coffee to internationally in the last 10 years. The amount is provided in killograms.