Illustrated in the following bar graph is total calorie consumption of British males at 3 distinct age groups, ranging from 0-24, 25-49, and over 50, with sources, including dairy products, meat, pulses, and vegetables.
I would like to express my concern about the recent alterations which your transport service company has implemented in our area (Willington countryside) and the issues which I am contributing afterward.
A glance at the graphs reveals a considerable difference between men and women in their percentage in the prison as well as the criminal convictions, Both males being higher, in the United Kingdom.
It is undeniable that the global economic crisis is one of the biggest challenges worldwide. Recent public debate has revolved around whether the focus should be on financing internal or external issues. While some argue
I am writing a letter to express my gratitudes about the cookery course that i had enrolled for the last 6 months. Yet, i was enjoying for been in this cookery school because i had learnt about the basic cooking skills.
The diagram illustrates the process of making ceramic pots. Generally, it contains of 11 steps, beginning with collection of the raw materials, and ending with finished pots.
The table and pie charts demontrate the origin of the police budget and the ways the money was spent respectively during 2 years from 2017 to 2018 in a specific place of the United Kingdom.
The table showed information about travel in England and table given average distance per person between 1985 and 2000. As the data represented travel distance by car is the highest average about 3100 miles in 1985 and