IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Around the globe, authorities prefer public transportation to private ones. The writer, however, advocates that the benefits of being cost-efficient as well as environmentally friendly totally outweigh the drawbacks of l
The introduction of public transport as the main mode of transportation in some parts of the world has been promoted by the government, leading to the discouragement of using private vehicles. In this essay, I will show
It is said that public transport should be considered as the main travelling method in an attempt of decreasing the number of car owners in road, meanwhile other counter-arguments do not agree with the idea. In my point
It has been observed that governments in certain nations are deliberately promoting public transport in tandem with discouraging private vehicle ownership. Although potential drawbacks exist in this trend, merits like di
Now a days,The People is using their own vehicle instead of using a share ride or public transportation because private vehicle is now affordable and it's no more the Luxiours amenities. It's called now mandatory things
In some nations, governments prioritize public transportation over private vehicle ownership as the primary mode of transportation. This essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages of this policy and ultimately a
Since modern advancements have been made in the transportation segment, there are many public transports that support the citizens' life. Therefore, the government encourage their nation to use public transport rather th
Many countries in the world are adopting measures to make public transportation a better means of transportation to reduce private vehicle ownership. In the following article, I will be discussing the advantages and disa
These days, the government in some countries announce their public transport as a main priority policy more than using private cars, I totally agree that improving public transportation is more beneficial and outweighs t
It has been recently observed that the high authorities are motivating the use of transit or railways rather than of personal modes of travelling. From my perspective, it has more benefits than drawbacks and both will be
In many countries, governments are actively encouraging public transport as the main mode of transportation while discouraging private vehicle ownership. The question of whether the benefits of this policy outweigh the d
It is an undeniable fact that ensuring road safety is essential for individuals. Whereas in some countries the government promotes public transport as the primary source of transportation and demoralised ownership of pri
Nowadays, in certain countries the authority wants to make public transport as the core means of transportation. Also, they want to remove personal vehicles from the roads. From my perspective, I agree with them. However
It is trite that in some parts of the world, governments rate public transportation as the primary mode of mobility and endeavor to make private vehicle ownership undesirable to their citizenry. This has both merits and
In the contemporary epoch, there is irrefutable debate among folk about public means of travelling contrary to the past. While it is doable to petition that owing to numerous advantageousness such as ecological protectio
The fact that a couple of national authorities is encouraging citizens choosing public means in daily life instead to personal transport. I totally agree with this statement on the grounds that there are a bunch of benef
Public transport is often perceived to be a more appropriate alternative for car use by the government in some countries. I believe that despite the apparent benefit of this approach such as mitigating the negative impac
Public transport is often perceived to be a more appropriate alternative for car use by the government in some countries. I believe that despite the apparent benefits of this approach such as reducing the intensity of tr
Transportation is an important part of our lives. The government often encourages people to use public means of transportation rather than private vehicles, in some nation. This essay will discuss the positives and negat
These days, traffic congestion is increasing rapidly, so some countries have come up with a solution that is to use more public transport instead of personal means. Although this method brings a lot of good effects such
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