IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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With the advent of modern-day computer and modems, work from home ought to be encouraged since it is beneficial for managers and working staff, instead of going to the office every day . In my opinion, I agree that work
With the advent of modern day computer and modems, work from home ought to be encouraged since it is beneficial for managers and working staff, instead of going to to office everyday. In my opinion, I agree that working
Nowadays, it is noticeable that the improvement of useful electronic devices has changed the manner of working. Supporting telecommunications ought to have many advantages for workers who are operating in different profe
Nowadays, most of the work can be done by using technology at home, as many businesses during lockdown period tested this theory. They found it is convenient to perform duties from home and hold meetings on platforms suc
Technology is an ever-evolving aspect of human life. There have been giant leaps made in wireless communication and semiconductor technology that allows employees to accomplish their tasks from their maisonette rather th
Technology made office people's life easier than working at their workplace as daily, and people who are working from their concerned must contributed fro their company. I agree with this opinion that working should be
Thanks to the development of technology, people can work everywhere, including their homes. Although this trend might provide us with flexibility and convenience, the way of working is suitable only to some industries an
Due to the advent of modern technology, computers and modem can be easily made available to perform office duty. Some people believe these sorts of things should be encouraged to use from home, rather than doing job in o
Technology has played a crucial role in shaping our day to day life. Our offices and the way we work has changed tremendously as a result of computers. In this essay, I want to put forth my views to support that working
Computers and internet have globalized the professional job market, and allowed many people the ability to work from home. While some believe this development is not beneficial and should be prevented, others, including
In various sectors, especially IT employees get the opportunity to work from home. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this telecommuting process.
7pm That will just about do for today, and for this series. Thanks to all of you for all your comments, it's been a rollercoaster ride, from 122 for 8 at Edgbaston, to Archer's spell at Lord's, to Stokes' nonsense at Hea
Nowadays, technology makes everything simpler such as finding and doing a proper job. This technological development helps people all over the world to do their duties at homes and employers assign them what to do far fr
Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices every day. Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers.
As the technology has advanced, an increasing number of people are now able to work from home using their computers rather than going to workplace every day. In my opinion this trend should be promoted as it brings many
Owing to the fact that technologies as computers and the internet have offered the opportunity for worker to work from home rather than spend he whole day at the office. Some people think this can be an advantages for bo
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