IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Children need to be physically active and fit to ensure that their biological growth is normal at all times and the onus of this should lie with their parents and not with schools. These educational institutions should n
Nowadays, sports classes represent one of the few opportunities during which students can enjoy the benefits of regular exercise, such as preventing obesity and promoting a healthy lifestyle. My opinion is that sports le
Some people argue that the responsibility for children to have a regular physical exercise should be of the parents. So schools should not waste valuable school time having sports lessons as a part of the study curriculu
Sports instills a positivity in one’s life. Sedentary lifestyle can cause several health hazards. Thus, encouraging kids for a rigorous workout during their developmental years is integral to being physically fit. Few op
Physical exercise is very important for children, for they feel better.people believe that parents have responsibility for the subject. I completely disagree With you for two reasons. The parents do not allow their chil
Physical exercise is very important for children, for they are feel better.people believe that parent have responsible in subject.I completely disagree With for two reasons. The parents do not allow their children suff
It goes without saying that students who have many academic achievements should be rewarded. However, many think that we should also praise those who have made strides in their studies.
As it is truly said that, the physical exercise is a crucial part of our daily life. Some people think that, It is our parents responsibility to make sure that their children are doing the physical exercise on daily bas
There is no doubt that physical exercise is necessary to maintain students' physical and mental health. However, there is often a debate about whether it should be the responsibility of parents or schools to ensure that
Physical exercise is an important thing in child development. There is an opinion that children regularly engage in physical exercises, and this should be the responsibility of parents, and therefore schools should not s
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is a saving time in physical education.many people think that saving time on physical education is a very reasonable decision.
In modern day,people seek to be healthy,so they should take up sport or physical exercises.Some people think that school teachers must not spend them time to organise PE and parents should arrange these exercises.While
Nowadays, the phenomenon of enhancing the child’s physical condition is considered as a crucial responsibility of the parent themselves. Consequently, individuals have ignored and abandoned physical activities in the ins
In the modern day offsprings should have a regular physical exercise. Some people believe that it should be parent's responsibility, while other believes that it should be school's responsibility. In this essay I will gi
According to some individuals, only parents should take care of the physical activity of their children and schools should not play a role in it. However, this statement seems to be unjustifiable to me. Because, Activiti
Physical education is one of the important subjects for youngsters' development. Some people argue that it is a parent's duty to make sure their children workout at home, and educational institutes should not waste their
Presently, upbringing of the pupils is a major concern for their parents and educational institutes, which was never reported before. Some people opine that to supervise the routine physical exercise of the adolescents i
According to some individuals, it is argued that frequent work out of youngsters ought to be carried out solely by their parents, so physical education should not be included in the schools’ syllabus. Personally, I tend
It is true that sports activity is essential for children. While some people believe that parents should carry out these activities for their chilren at home, others believe that it should be included in the school's cur
One of the key responsibilities of parents is to guide the kids in their daily exercise, hence sports should be excluded from the subjects. I believe that both parents and teachers should work together to keep the stud
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