IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Affordable health services are the foremost priority of any government to maintain the well being of their own citizens. Though, some services are expensive to avail due to the costs incurred for state of the art technol
In this modern era, almost every country has introduced the concept of mandatory health insurance in order to provide hassle-free services for all people. Medical services, which must be costless, are the most important
Medical science is the key feature to maintain a good health rate in a country. Many believe that medical facilities and treatments should be provided free of cost to the commom people, whereas there are others who argue
Health is wealth and that is why every country should provide a free-health service regardless of its availability to medical treatments because they are expensive to get. In my view, I may agree that free service should
Some people believe every nation should have free healthcare, even if this doesn’t include new medical procedures that are expensive. I completely agree with this opinion because a minimum level of protection is a human
All citizens have the right to get a free health service despite the fact that they may not obtain the cutting-edge medical treatments through services due to their high cost. This essay completely agrees with this stat
It is often believed that the government should provide free medical benefit to the public whereas others think that there are few services that are expensive may not be available with a minor cost to them. In my point o
Providing health facility to all the citizens is a major challenge to every nation. Even though some surgeries or medical procedures could not be covered due to the high price, general free health service should be made
I consider that, as ahuman right, health services shoud be available universally and free. In Brazil, for example, health care is a constitutional right for every person and it is a State's responsibility to provide heal
It is argued that every nation should have a free medical service for its citizens, even if has indulged some restrictions to some health care facilities. I completely agree with this statement and think it should be th
Health is an essential part of everyone's life, despite taking proper care of ourselves we do get prone to several health conditions. I completely agree that every country should cover different health services of its ci
The healthcare infrastructure is a significant segment of economic growth. However, it is a debatable topic where an array of masses favours free of charge medical amenities to the public and others oppose this notion co
Health is a fundamental right of every human being. Some people are of the opinion that each nation must provide free health services to its citizens irrespective of the cost involved. I agree with this view as it is a p
Since many ages have passed, "Health is wealth" is one of the greatest sayings. In this modern era, every country faces its own challenges. Some people believe that every country should have a free healthcare service whi
Undoubtedly, Fitness indeed is and must be one of the top priorities for any region. Some people entrust that every country should offer a free health-care service, even if the latest medical treatments are inaccessible
Most of the countries offer free health services but they do not offer the most expensive latest medical treatments. However, I believe that the health system should be advanced and free of cost to the people.
Well-being is a key part of human lives. The health service system of the country can play a vital role for population of the country and economic growth as well. It is often argued that the health service of the country
Medical expenses are really increasing all over the world. I am largely inclined towards the opinion that it is the country's responsibility to provide minimum free health services for its citizens.
Health is a key part of human lives. Health service system of the country can play a vital role for the population of the country and economical growth as well. It is often argued that health service of the country shoul
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