IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent development arts is increasing in the society. from my opion i believe that the listed reasons would support the music and theatre rather than the governments putting so much money in the public services :
Some believe that the government should only invest money to improve public services rather than invest in the entertainment sectors such as arts, music and theatre. I strongly disagree with this idea as it has many ad
Any investment made by the government should be made in order to benefit the citizens of the country. Investing in both, art and public welfare, are important and play a vital role in any country's development. Investing
Government investment in the arts is debatable. Some people argue that government should priotize investment in public services, while others argue that government investment in the arts such as music and theatre is a wa
A section of the society claims that government funds should be allocated on public services as these are obtained through the taxation system, while others think they should be invested in arts such as music and theatr
A section of the society claims that government funds should be allocated to public services as we follow the taxation system ,while the others think they should be invested in arts such as music and theatres.I partially
There is a common conviction that efforts government makes to support arts are worthless, and instead it is more beneficial to allocate a budget on public services. While I partially agree with this belief, I also think
It is argued that spending public money on arts such as music and theatre is not worthy. Instead, the state investment should be channelled to public services such as health and education. Although I do not oppose the sp
the last few decades have seen heated arguments that governments should finance public services instead of spending their budgets on music. Although I agree that governments investments in local services play a very imp
These days, there has been a heated argument about how the government should spent their money. Some people believe that the government spent in arts is a waste of money while there are others think the investment in the
Art is considered to be the main core of the country’s civilization and heritage. However, this type of science could attract people all over the world, so governments have paid much more money on it rather than the sig
Unemployment and illiteracy are concerning factors on the global level. Thus, governing bodies should spend more on these areas instead of doing the expenditure on creativity and artwork. I strongly agree with this noti
Nowadays, people's life quality has improved fast . Most people will have a relax when they have time. I think the government not only need to invest in the arts but also invests in public services.Let's talk about my op
Nowadays the amount of energy from nuclear power accounts for a big proportion of total energy consumed in the world. However, I do not think its benefits are not far bigger than its disadvantages.
The division of governmental funds affects the way on how different parts of society work. For some people, the government should support cultural departments such as music and theatre. However, this essay will argue tha
I certainly understand, spending wealth in arts and craft is important. However, it would be more beneficial if the government Invest fund in public such as parks, schools and other research works. I agree with this stat
Many people support the view that it is not worth the fund to expend on arts like music and theatre. Most of them believe the ministry should transfer this payment into public sectors, as an example of transportation, an
In this day and age, art surrounds us, people in every location, without us being aware of it. Although, it is argued by some individuals that states subsidies that are provided to art-practitioners are a misspend of mon
It has been argued that the spending of the budget on the arts is useless, rather the same amount has to be invested for the betterment of humanity. I don't agree with this, as uplift of cultural fields is also important
Some people believe that government spending on different forms of art, is wastage of funds. Although, it is necessary to channel a proportion of state money toward this sector, I would argue that most should be spent on
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