IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Smoking has been banned in public places like parks, hospitals and restaurants in many nations, and it is a law that many people support. I agree with this initiative because it reduces the harmful effects of passive s
Smoking has been banned in public areas in most countries globally and it is believed by the majority that this is a fair ban. I completely agree with this idea as smoking is hazardous to health and smokers in public pla
Smoking has been banned in public places like parks, hospitals and restaurants in many nations, and it is a law that many people support. This essay also agrees with this initiative because it reduces the harmful effec
In many countries around the world, smoking is becomes prohibited in public areas. Because it is injurious to health for non-smokers. Also smoke can travel quickly through air in open areas. Additionally, it can be more
Since smoking is commonly seem in the world in every where, plenty of countries are established rule to stop smoking in public place. In my opinion, I firmly agree that, because using cigarettes impact people who are clo
Nowadays,smoking is considered to be outlawed in community places.Most people think that it is reasonable to eliminate it.In my opinion,I strongly agree that using cigarettes should be banned because it can extremely af
While many people consider smoking in public to be just fine. To be honest, I oppose this mindset at all costs. I think banning such behaviour is a reasonable movement but governments should also make room for smokers.
Although, many people believe that smoking is acceptable convincing, I think in a reverse manner and agree with the given statement. My inclination is explained in the ensuing paragraph.
It is argued that smoking became unwelcomed behaviour publicly where there is consensus think that policy is justifiable. This essay disagrees with the consensus because of two reasons. Firstly, it is too vague to say th
Smoking is usually considered to be an effective way to relax since it contains substances that ease our minds. However, scientists are concerned about the health risks it possesses. Therefore, authorities in various cou
I agree. Smoking causes a lot of health-related affair and imposing a ban on the same is appreciatable. Though the authority earnings on tobacco-related commodity is relatively high compared to other commodity the reperc
Many countries have prohibited smoking in public places. So, people who smoke in public places will be breaking the law and can go to the jail. I think this is a good movement from the governments of these countries, bec
Nowadays, although more and more people tend to smoke in comparison with the past, the governments are strict to smoking; as a result, in the majority of countries, citizens are not allowed to smoke in public places. I b
Smoking has been banned in public places like parks, hospitals and restaurants in many nations, and it is a law that many people support. Personally, I agree with this initiative because it reduces the harmful effects of
Smoking has been banned in public places like parks, hospitals and restaurants in many nations, and it is a law that many people support. This essay also agrees with this initiative because it reduces the harmful effects
Smoking has been banned in public places like parks, hospitals and restaurants in many nations, and it is a law that many people support. This essay also agrees with this initiative because it reduces the harmful effec
Smoking has been banned in public places like parks, hospitals and restaurants in many nations, and it is a law that many people support. This essay also agrees with this initiative because it reduces the harmful effec
In this present world, some people think smoking is illegal around community societies while others believe that a ban is almost justified. This essay completely agrees with the suggestion that smoking should be illegal
It is argued that cigarette is not legal in social areas at the moment in lots of countries and a lot of people think that reduces using cigarette.I completely disagree with this sentence.I have a lot of thinking about
It is argued that it is the correct decision to ban smoking at public areas. This essay agrees with this statement because smoking does harm to other people who inhale its smoke and smoking at such places would create a
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