IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Most of the family prefers to send their children to mixed-sex schools or single-sex schools in many countries nowadays, while a number of people are not in favour of a single-sex school. Personally, I completely agree w
Parents always strive to give best education to their child, hence send him to the best educational institute. They also have now been given option, in many countries, to choose the school system for their offspring as c
It is argued that it has disbenefits to children studying in single-gender schools in the future . This essay agrees with this statement because a role of boys and girls in education is very important . Also , relationsh
Everyone can choose to go to a particular school. Although nowadays in many nations, the father and mother can pick between mixed schools and single-gender schools, several individuals consider that young society going t
Someone has very wisely said, “Hard things are put in our way, not to stop us, but to call out our courage and strength.”People with disabilities are usually the strongest, most courageous and wonderful people. They are
Nowadays, pupils are acquiring a knowledge in the single-sex schools which were selected by their parents, and it is claimed that it will have drawbacks in their future life. I partially agree with this notion. In the fo
Nowadays, pupils are acquiring a knowledge in the single-sex schools which were selected by their parents, and it is claimed that it will has drawbacks in their future life. I partially agree with this notion. In the fol
Nowadays, there are various types of educational institutes all over the world which are chosen by parents; moreover, children attitude. Some of female parents prefer girl school. Some male parents reach boy school; like
Nowadays, parents have the options of sending their children to single-sex schools or mixed schools and it is thought that children attending single-sex schools will face some problems in the future.In my opinion, I comp
Nowadays,parents have the option of sending their children to single-sex schools or mixed schools and it is thought by some that children attending single-sex schools will face some problems in the future.In my opinion,I
Nowadays, in most countries, parents have the opportunity to send their children either to single –sex or coeducational schools, however, it is considered by some that sending children to single –sex school will have d
Nowadays, in most countries, parents have the opportunity to send their children either to single –sex or coeducational schools, however, it is considered by some that sending children to single –sex school has drawbac
Parents nowadays have the option to send their wards to single-sex or mix gender schools and it is believed by some that children attending single-sex schools are at a disadvantage when it comes to future life as adults.
Education is the tool for a better future. While, some say that studying in a single gender school poses certain drawbacks to the students in their life ahead, I believe, so does a coeducational system has. This essay sh
Many divergent views exist on the relevance of educating children in a co-education school. A great number of people, including myself, are of the opinion that children will face many obstacles later in their life if the
Nowdays in some countries like india pakistan and some gulf countries parents like to send their childrens to single sex school specially to girls.due their thinking or due to their culture .but in develped coutries lik
Schooling is the primary precursor for children to gain knowledge. In the past, most of the schools were single-sex schools. But the trend is now very different in many countries as co-educational schools are gaining mor
Some countries prefer to single gender school for the education of their pupils. A native of some countries, prefer to send their children to the integrated institutions for their elementary education, because they belie
In most of the countries today, the parents are allowed, to choose their children either in single-sex or or co-educational schools. However, some people think that children will face a lot of problems in future if they
Nowadays, in most of the nations, parents have option to select the school for their children. Whether it is single-sex school or co-educational school. However, this essay disagrees with the statement.
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