IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In most countries, teenagers aged sixteen and more are awarded some superiority by governments which makes them become more responsible about their actions and watch out for their behaviour properly. It is obvious that a
In most of countries teenagers with age of sixteen and more are awarded some superiority by government which makes them to become more responsible about their actions and watch out their behavior properly. It is obvious
Nowadays, human longevity is expanded and people's health in general has been considerably improved compared to the past 100 years thanks to a number of beneficial factors like advancement in clinical science, better liv
As children grow older, they can be more responsible in the things they do themselves. But when they have not yet reached adulthood, parents still have the responsibility to educate them. In this article, I will present
Parenting is one of the important milestones for humans, especially for children from 14 to 15 years old because adolescence is considered a revolutionary period in human life. This is the age of development. , so parent
It is believed that children in their teenage years should be given special responsibilities to make their own decisions. Parenting is one of the most important issues for parents, especially for children aged 14–16, be
As children grow up, they can be increasingly responsible for their own decisions. However, Parents also took an important part in their life. And to believe that many individuals are granted with certain priveleges and
In recent times, it is widely believed that grown-up children should be granted special responsibilities to make their own decisions at age sixteen. nurturing is one of the most important points for parents, especially f
In recent times, it is widely believed that grown-up children should be granted special responsibilities to make their own decisions at age sixteen. Parenting is one of the most important points for parents, especially f
Parenting is one of the major milestone of human being especially for their 14 to 15 years old children because adolescence is considered as the revolutionary stage of human life. Obviously parents have a major role to
It is true that the family soul has been important from the early steps of humankind. Looked at from a historical perspective, adolescents' life is organized by their folks. In this essay, I will outline to what extent p
In many countries, young people are granted responsibility and certain privileges at the age of sixteen. The age can be called still young or already adult, because they have parts of adults and parts of children. It sh
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