In this day and age, the 21 century of modern society has been greatly changed human consciousness. It also is still being to improve about the gender stereotypes in many countries.
When given the choice of which subject they want to learn, girls commonly enrol in arts classes while boys attend science courses. This essay will discuss about why does it come to this common trend followed by some abil
Thera are still many places in the world where gender discrimination is increasing. Girls opt fer arts subjects whereas boys take up science subjects. This eassy will analysis reasons behind this phenomenon and i strongl
Nowadays, girls opt for arts subjects whereas boys take up science subjects. This eassy will analysis reasons behind this trend and this this trend should changed or not. In
It is often argued that girls prefer to study art subjects like literature, home science, and history whereas boys tend to take up science-related subjects like physics, chemistry, and mathematics at the secondary and te
In some educational institutions girls opted for art and craft studies while boys want to take science stream. In my opinion, there is a plethora of reasons for this phenomenon. In the current situation this trend shoul
The debate weather this tendency of girls to prefer art subjects and boys to prefer science subjects should be changed has become a matter of discussion among many. Personally, I believe this tendency should be changed.
It is believed that in secondary and tertiary educational institutions, girls mainly opt for arts subjects, whereas boys are more interested in science stream.The reason for this trend is old rigid beliefs towards girls
These days it is often argued that girls prefer to exercise art subjects like literature, home skill, and history, whereas boys tend to take up art-related subjects like physics, chemistry, and mathematics at the seconda
These days It is often argued that girls prefer to study art subjects like literature, home art, and history, whereas boys tend to take up technique-related subjects like physics, chemistry, and mathematics at the second
It is an indisputable fact that for centuries societies associate specifiс types of jobs with sex. Although throughout the world people review gender roles, it is agreed that boys prefer to learn logical subjects and gir
Nowadays, students with the same gender are choosing similar subjects in certain universities. While females select arts stream, males choose the science filed. In my opinion, It is due to parents' pressure and this situ
There is no scepticism that Schools and varsities play indispensable role in the development of Learners. In the modern epoch majority of women shows their interest towards arts subjects while male students pursue their
There are still many places in the world where science courses in schools are dominated by male students. There are many factors contributing to this phenomenon and it needs to be changed so that the choice of study is m
The vary of subjects helps to pupils who choose their future jobs.Also,girl tend to choose art subject, and boys opts science subjects such as physics so on.According to me, I will discuss the merits and demerits of both
It is the fact that women are not opt for scientific classes such as Physics as men, but they usually choose Languages and Literature instead. In general, I strongly believe that such trend such should be changed .Ther
Is gender affecting the choice of the courses that students choose for their higher education in schools and universities. It is commonly said that girls prefer art subjects, whereas boys choose science. This essay inten
Education plays a very important role in each and individual life does not matter that's a boy or girl. It is often arguable that why the girls always attracted towards arts and boys towards science in their career.Howev
Education plays a very important role in each and individual life does not matter that is boy or girl.It is often arguable that why the girls always attracted towards arts and boys towards science in their career.Hence,
There are few institutions and colleges where females women are interested in selecting the arts stream courses like literature whereas males men prefers are selecting the science stream courses such as physics, chemist