With the rise of digital technology, many believe that printed newspapers and books will become obsolete as online content becomes freely accessible. While I acknowledge the increasing dominance of digital media, I disag
There is a widely held view rapid advancement of digital technology has transformed the way we consume information. While it is true that online platforms offer unparalleled accessibility, I truly disagree with the notio
There is a widely held view rapid advancement of digital technology has transformed the way we consume information. While it is true that online platforms offer unparalleled accessibility, I'm truly disagreed with the no
With the development of technology, humans predict that e-books will be replaced by printed books or magazines. I completely agree with this view for some reasons.
It may be a good idea for the future, but I do not agree with that statement because many people prefer to read the printed version. Even Though, printed newspapers or books need a lot of paper, but I think it has many a
The importance of traditional reading printed materials namely, newspapers or novels will be eliminated from circulation, community will rely on digital devices to read specific articles. In my opinion, this shift will f
Nowadays, newspapers or books have been seen as the old type of platform for reading especially for the Generation z. With the advancement of digital technology many people believe that printed newspapers and books will
With the technological developments happening nowadays, it is belived by some people that old fashioned newspapers and books will not be used anymore because it will all be available on the internet. I fully agree to thi
Some people think that, 15 years later, we do not need to use real paper. Such as, notebooks, magazines etc. Because, they claim that with the technological development, we can read it on online platforms and that would
It is believed by some people that individuals will have the access to free digital books and online news in the near future. Even though this prediction is possibly accurate, in my opinion, I do not agree with such stat
Magazines and other story books will be out of date soon, and the reader numbers will drastically reduce due to the development of technology and the digital era, which is free of cost. I believe that this would not be t
In the coming years, people will abandon purchasing newspapers or book materials because of technological development instead, they will read the news or search for information online without the need for payment. This e
Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, digital reading platforms such as e-books, online articles and news websites have made it easier for people to access a wide range of information for free. This shift in how
In the coming years, people will abandon purchasing newspapers or books materials because of technology development instead of that, they will read the news or search about information online without the need for paymen
It is argued that anybody read paper books and newspapers due to every material will be available online for free in the future. However, this claim is acceptable in some aspects, but, in my opinion, physical written mat
Generally, by the growth in technology, people's life style changed. Even the way they follow the news has changed since decades ago. It is argued that in future people will not be interested in following the news in pri
In contemporay world, the increasing number of people using online reading materials rather than read the printed products. Therefore, a group of people beleieve that in the future everyone will be able to read everythin
In the next few years, a lot of people will not prefer to purchase published article or texts because of the Availability of information from social sources. I partially agree with this notion therefore, this shift may n
There is an opinion that the printing industry could be in decline because of the increasing popularity of electronic devices. While a lot of people switched to reading online, there are still individuals who would prefe
I partially agree with the statement that printed newspapers and books may become obsolete in the future. While it is true that digital platforms offer easy access to news and books, many people still prefer physical cop