IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays big firms invest a huge amount of money in marketing and promoting their products as a result people attracts to their products. This article will discuss the problem caused by growing large firms including shut
Modern world corporate companies spend lots of money on such as branding. It is an essential part of the Business hence products will get the awareness in the public definitely it will increase sales volume people will g
The main reason why more and more individuals are persuaded to purchase big-stores goods is promotional marketing. How big corporations rely on significant economical resources to support their budgeting has relevant con
Big companies allocate high budgets for the advertisement of their product, due to this public attracts to grab their items. it could create a huge problem, and can cause a crisis to the local economy, so, we can short o
Nowadays, huge international corporations and brand companies spend a large amount of money on advertising and marketing. Consequently, humans tend to buy their products, which lead to a failure of the local businesses
In recent years, big companies are able to organise large marketing campaigns that attract a great number of buyers due to their unlimited budgets. This essay would attempt to point out the primary aftermaths of this sit
This is true that huge companies spend an enormous amount of money on marketing and people are persuaded to purchase their goods. This fact has various possible repercussions, however, there are a lot of measures that ca
This is true that huge companies spend an enormous amount of money on marketing and people are pesuated to purchase their goods. This fact has various possible repercussions, however, there are a lot of measures can be t
Nowadays, people are drastically appealed and brainwashed to get buy all types of products by enormous companies which have high budgets for advertising and marketing campaigns.
Multinational companies tend to spend lucrative amounts on campaignings and publicity. Many individuals do get attracted to buying their merchandise rather than local goods. This has a tremendous impact on native sellers
Major businesses have an immense budget for marketing and promotion of their products which they consider necessary for introducing the product in the market. However, this raises problems, both amongst customers and loc
Large companies provide a great amount of money for their advertising campaigns; therefore people are more interested to buy their products. This essay will suggest that the biggest problems caused by this phenomenon are
The given graph represents information on the varieties of amusement purposes that communities around different three continents spent their salary on both of the year 1995 and 2000. At a first glance, it is clear that t
Advertisements play a very crucial role in a consumer's decision making while buying any product. Due to the monetary advantage that large businesses have over the small ones, a lot of money is invested in advertisements
Huge companies have a lot of finances to promote their brand, therefore society tends to buy products from famous companies. There are many issues that this tendency could bring to us. In my opinion the most important ar
Budget of big business firms have upsurged rapidly for advertisement and other promotion for their products.However, this change made people pursue such products more than ever.In this essay i will explain some of the pr
Advertisement plays a major role in the market world in order to persuade people to buy the goods, especially big businesses that would have invested in advertisement with a huge amount of money to promote their goods.
Nowadays, in the era of digitalization and we see a lot of big companies, aggressively endorsing their products using various marketing methods to be in the limelight. The fancier endorsement of the product, the stronger
many big industries will allocate a certain amount for advertising their products in many ways, Which result in attracting more public to purchase them. Thus, many individuals would love to buy the products which they se
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