IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Finding ways to improve educational quality is often one of the top priorities in every country. While some believed that students should have the option to give opinions and feedback on their teacher, others feel that t
Education is crucial in our present society,there is a wide range of debate going on regarding the opinion should be taken from the learners and the other group of people opposing this idea.This essay will discuss the a
Many pedagogical experts today are in search of techniques of reforming the educational systems of high schools to raise the quality of education. Though, some of them suggest that allowing students to criticize and make
Criticism may seem as both a benefit, as well as a degoratory for teachers. Some teachers may accept the advice as a means to improve their teaching standards while some may take it as a rude gesture.Some may argue that
Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students are encouraged to make comments or even criticism on their teachers. Other thinks it will lead to loss of respect and discipline in the
There has been a heated controversy on whether high school students should be free to evaluate and criticise their educators. While some people think that disrespect and indiscipline are the unavoidable aftermath of this
There has been an ongoing controversy over a concern if high school learners should be allowed to evaluate their teachers. While some people advocate that new trend because it is of benefit to educational quality improve
It is argued whether supporting secondary school students for assessing their teachers in the pursuit of improving educational quality would result in disrespect and indiscipline in the classroom. From my point of view,
The quality of education is very essential in our society, in order to create leaders with bright a future. However, the government and many organisations become more concerned about how to improve the educational sect
Finding ways to improve educational quality is often one of the top priorities in every education system. In some cultures, high school students are encouraged to give their opinions about teachers, but I believe that th
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