IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the digital era, it is argued that social media brings advantages to people because the convenience in communicating and reading news. The writer believes that despite many benefits, drawbacks of social media overshad
In today's digital age, social media plays an important of individuals's life all over the world to contact with other people and get news events. This author argues that the benefits of communication and getting news ev
In today's digital age, there has been a significant increase in the use of social media to stay in contacct with others and read events announcements. The writer of this essay argues that the disadvantages of fake news
It is true that the use of social networking sites for communication or access to tidings, and stories has become commonplace in today's world. While this trend has some benefits, I believe the implications outweigh the
Many people have become daily users of social media in recent years, making social media quite an essential part of modern lifestyle and they can keep in touch with others and have access to up-to-date daily news. The be
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