IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The given bar chart presents the percentage of individuals in a particular country who visited one or more museums across various age groups in the years 2006, 2011, and 2016.
The two pie charts provide information about the percentages of adults using different devices to watch TV in Canada in the years 2009 and 2019. Overall, at the beginning of the period, the rate of adults watching TV on
The chart demonstrates the usage of different screens such as mobiles, laptops, tablets, computer desktops, TVs with flat screen and conventional TV by the middle age group people of Canada to view television programmes
Just reading facts and learning from them from others perspective does not siffice the need to complete the education, to improve this project work are necessity some believe that work alone is far better than working as
In this contemporary epoch, a certain number of individuals believe that group activities should be part a vital part of their kid's life while others say that it is essential for teenagers to learn how to spend their ti
Peer group pressure has been present among youngsters for centuries but is evidently on a rise nowadays. This can help push the younger generation into attaining certain career heights, however, it is a contributing fact
Part of people believe that parents should teach their children to participate in activities, which involve multiple children and others think children should learn to enjoy their own company by getting involved in act
Part of people believe that parents should teach their children to participate in the activities, which involve multiple children and others think children should learn to enjoy their own company by getting involve in su
In recent decades, many researchers have studied the importance of group-level cognition. Indeed, to my mind, there is now some convincing evidence to suggest that group activities improve the intelligence of individual
The two pie charts give information about rates in adult people use to watch tv in Canada in years 2009 and 2019 .
The chart provides information about world health institution said that people should eat minimum five fruits per day, diagram illustrates the number of two gender in United Kingdom with given ages in 2006.
There are common beliefs such as every punishment for breaking low has to be the same, while others think that judgement systems should consider initiatives that force the convicts to do a particular crime. In my opinion
The given line graph illustrates the proportion of people by age group who went to the cinema at least once a month in a country over 30 year starting in 1978.
In recent times, some people believe that parents should encourage their children to take time with groups in their free time. However, others say that it is essential for children to learn how to occupy themselves on th
The antioxidant activity of different plant organs and extraction time intervals of Avicennia marina was evaluated by the DPPH method. This method expresses the antioxidant activity with IC50 value which refers to the co
Parallel with advances in technology, people’s shopping patterns have changed dramatically. Some people claim that individuals’ age has the most significant impact on their shopping tendency. From my perspective, however
Organizing with other people is unarguably one of the most necessary skills to obtain from the early childhood. The skill itself can be obtained through various ways, such as joining group activities in free time. Yet, o
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