IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people think we should charge for the museum, while others strictly believe that it should be free. In my opinion, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, this essay will provide examples, to solidify the viewpoint.
A number of museums charge an entry fee, while others do not. This essay thinks that the drawbacks of charging fees do not outweigh the benefits because although some people are excluded when museums charge admission, th
In the contemporary world, museums play a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage. Therefore, the question of whether museums should offer free entry or charge admission has become a considerable debate. From my per
The debate about museum entrance fees centers on a tricky balance between keeping museums financially healthy and making sure everyone can visit. While free entry is great for including everyone, a well-designed system f
There is a contradictory debate surrounding the benefits and drawbacks of charging museum visits. While some highlight the significant role the received money can play in maintaining and improving the overall condition o
Talking to the issue of whether the upsides of many museums charge people for the entry fee while the other museums are free to visit outhweigh the downsides or not is a controversial one. The following essay will illust
Museum is a place where someone can view lifestyle of past generations.Nowadays, some museums are free of cost while other museum has entry fees for admission. Imposing public for visiting museums has lot of merits as co
Museums are vital cultural institutions that preserve history, educate the public, and foster community engagement. The debate over whether museums should charge admission or remain free is complex, with valid arguments
The debate surrounding whether it is best for museums to require an entry fee or not has sparked considerable controversy. While this notion brings mere drawbacks, I firmly believe that its benefits are of higher signifi
In this day and age, the majority of museums require admission fees, though some still offer free entrance. In my opinion, although there are both pros and cons to this topic, admission fees can be advantageous, and the
this day and age, the majority of museums require admission fees though the free entrance still maintains in others. In my opinion, although there are both the pros and cons in this topic ,the permission of entrance fee
It can be seen that some museums take the amount of their customers’ money when customers visit museums while other museums do not do that. By and large, while charging people for admission may bring about some drawback
The number of museums charge entrance fees to the public, while others are completely free. Many people think that visiting museums is supposed to be free. In my opinion, however, there are the number of benefits to pay
We should pay admission to entrance some museums, while other museums are cheap. I believe the main benefits are more substantial.
A lot of museums receive costs from people for visiting, however, some of them don`t do this. In my opinion, all of them should be on the same level for some reasons which, I will mention in this essay.
While there are some drawbacks associated with paid admission, I believe the main benefits are more substantial.
Visiting museum on weekends or holiday becomes a trend nowadays. Some people argue that museum should charge entrance fees to its visitors while others argue there is no need to do so. I personally believe the advantages
The issue of the charging policy of museums has triggered a round of heated debate. Although some people claim that the tolls may provoke the negative effects on these institutions, I firmly believe that the contributing
It is a common belief that there are more advantages to charging people for admission to a museum. However, I firmly believe that charging free admission to art galleries or museums is more beneficial because not only it
Many museums charge entrance fees to the public, while others are completely free. Many individuals think that visiting museums is supposed to be free. In my opinion, however, I believe there are more benefits for museum
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