IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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World organizations are giving aid to underdeveloped countries. Citizens worldwide have various thoughts about this. One think that giving help is an absolute must whereas others think it is necessary to have practical h
In developing countries, assistance from international organizations is vital for supporting development plans. People in these nations often contribute through financial aid or practical advice. Financial support enable
Nowadays, people who lived in developing countries begin to help others in different ways. Those countries provide supports to development plans through international organizations.The most common ways is directly giving
In contemporary society, experts have debated whether financial aid by international governments has helped to enhance and improve development, while others oppose that practical help and advice would be more beneficial.
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is who have to provide poorer nations. It is undeniable that in one country there are wealthy and poor citizens. However, there is no absolute agreement on whether poor citizen
Nowadays many world wide organizations are providing financial assistance to developing countries. However, a group of people advocate that financial support is required but some technical help would be more useful. This
Many people argue that developing countries are given support from global groups to enhance future determinations. Although some people argue that practical and advice aid plays an important role, I believe that financi
It is undeniable that many developing nations get financial aid from international organisations for their progress. Some say that financial assistance is of the utmost importance for these nations, whereas others consid
International aid towards development is being offered to third-world countries, many people argue that financial aid is key for development, while others think that advice and physical aid are the most important. This e
Some individuals consider that more developing countries are given aid from international organisations to enhance many financial issues and citizens's life. Meanwhile, it is argued that instead the vital role of financi
Developing countries, in general, that have not achieved a significant degree of industrialization relative to populations, in most cases a medium to the low standard of living so wealthy nations are supposed to give fin
Around the globe ,there are countries struggling to uplift their population out of poverty,these countries rely heavily on foreign investment in their infrastructure.I think it is absolutely necessary for such nations an
More semi-developed countries receive help from overseas organizations to improve their development aims. It is argued that helping with money is essential but others claim that asking for advice and practical help is mo
More semi-developed countries receiving help from overseas organizations to improve their development aims. It is argued that helping with money is essential but others claims that asking for advices and practical help m
In this day and age,it is widely recognized that the majority of companies are assisting to the less economic nations for improving of their infrastructure and living standards.However, certain section of civilians think
Foundations from all around the globe provide help for developing nations to boost their growth. Some argue subsidizing to be the best way of supporting while others claim that giving advice and practical aid is superior
Supporting developing countries through financial aid may be a controversial topic. While some people could think that this is highly required, others may argue that logistic support is more crucial. Personally, I consi
In today’s world, we occasionally see countries trying to help each other, especially the developing ones. Sometimes we see it as giving property but sometimes it can be seen as implementing practical aid and advice. Si
In today’s world, we occasionally see communities try to help each other, especially the developing ones. Developing nations might prefer to take some financial help from international organizations. Some people believe
In this globalized world, internationally recognized organizations reinforce the nations in many ways, advantageous for underdeveloped countries. Nowadays, some people argue that monetary help is essential for the develo
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