IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some argue that instead of displaying artworks from multiple countries, museums and art exhibitions should focus on local ones. I completely disagree with this because introducing a mix of global art masterpieces brings
Some argue that instead of displaying artwork from other nations, museums and art exhibitions should focus on local work. I completely disagree with this because introducing a variety of global art masterpieces brings si
Many people are of the opinion that paintings that describe the history and country’s culture should be given top priority over works of art from abroad. While this thinking is valid to a certain extent, I believe that
There is an ongoing discussion regarding the museum and the artwork.some artists use their paintings to illustrate the culture of their country.But some people have the perception that they need to use their art in order
It is widely acknowledged that the arts play a critical part in the development of humankind's civilization. Aside from merely acting as a role of recreation, it has a more profound meaning of virtuosity. There are some
Visiting museums and art galleries is a good way for people to learn art, culture, history, etc. Some people think, for these facilities, collections and exhibitions should always focus on local artworks and objects inst
As arts have always been an essential part of the human civilization, museums and art galleries play a central role of promoting art works to the public. While some people argue that local art pieces should be the focus
There is a heated argument that local history and cultural knowledge should be exhibited in museums and art galleries rather than work from foreign lands. I believe that such places should focus largely on depicting the
As we know in museums, there are lots of works of diffurent people and countries. I think meseum is a place where we find peace of the soul, by looking at the pictures were done by amazing people of each country. But at
Museums and art galleries have played a significantly important role in preserving and conveying historical values. Whereas some people suggest that they should focus on domestic artworks, I side with those who suggest t
Local history and culture should be represented more in museums and art galleries rather than artwork or historical evidence from other countries. Additionally, this is one of the most debatable and discussed topics both
Museums and art displays are one of the most informative sources of knowledge. However; whether these places should maintain only national or international history and culture has been long under debate. In my opinion, a
There is no doubt that Museums and Art facilities provide a great range of knowledge through their items. While some believe these centres suppose to display exhibitions about their nation and hometown, others argue that
There is no doubt that museums and art exhibitions are crucial for reflecting cultures history. Although Some proponents hold the view that museums ought to only display their country’s artefacts, some opponents and I be
Museums and art galleries fundamentally showcase noteworthy histories and creations to the universal audience both to teach them and to preserve artefacts. Though some people support an international assortment in such v
People are divided on their opinion about the extent and the origin of artifacts in museums and exhibition venues. Some people believe that institutions and art galleries ought to contain only domestic and local products
Enhancing the attractiveness of museums and art galleries is of paramount importance in our modern society due to their roles in preserving the core values belonging to the past. Regarding this matter, some people claim
At the present time, most museums and art galleries display their country’s artefacts, however, the leading countries try to present their craft and culture from all over the world. My opinion is, we must present differe
In this contemporary era, some advocates and I discern the view that the exhibition of national monuments and historical artefacts is predominant over the exhibition of other countries, whilst some opponents hold a dive
In this contemporary epoch, whilst proponents hold the view that it is paramount to support museums with nations’ personal art, opponents have a diverse view. However, I am with the former view because it has a good impa
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