IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Mass media is a crucial part of our society and people do not stop disputing its role and effects. This essay will analyse three global questions regarding why it is so huge in our lives, why we see a lot of negative rep
Every people should know the current affairs going on all over the world or at least the place where they are living in. This is only possible through newspapers and broadcasts on radio or television. However, the news p
In many people’s life news plays a major role. As the public wanted to keep themselves updated with the information, while bad news is more published in the publications of the professional benefits. I believe editors sh
In many people’s life news plays a major role. As the public wanted to keep themselves updated with the information, while bad news is more published in the publications because of the increased crime rate, I believe edi
News plays a vital role in our day-to-day lives. This essay will discuss the importance of news as some make decisions based on what they hear, the reason behind the trend of spreading bad news in the media, and lastly
News plays a vital role in our lives. People sometimes take crucial decisions based on what they see or read in the mainstream media. Though the trend is to spread badly in the press, In my opinion, reports must conside
News plays a vital role in our lives. Some people make important decisions base on what they hear or see in the mainstream media. In my opinion, the publishers must consider spreading the good news instead of highlightin
The information about recent, current and upcoming events, that can be learnt from the mass media, is difficult to ignore. News in general, and negative news in particular, help people to understand what is likely to hap
An announcement is an integral part of human existence. This is attributed to its nature of providing the latest update in society. Moreso, the terrible message is widely promoted because of human affinity to unpleasant
Nowadays presumably every household in this world has at least one television at home, and through which they can easily access the news. This activity has almost become one of the people's daily routines. Some people fo
In recent times, details of the updates and changes across the globe are being delivered through various sources. In fact, there is a good reason why having access to such information is essential for people’s daily live
Nowadays, the world's citizens cannot live without news. It becomes a vital role for everyone. However, today's topics are mostly about bad news. This essay will discuss what the importance of it is and why presses love
Nowadays, the world's citizens cannot live without news. It becomes a vital role for everyone. However, today's news is mostly about bad news. This essay will discuss what the importance of the news is and why news press
The rise of the news content has increased drastically during the last decade. I will shed some light on the importance of the information in people's lives and elucidate on the fact that why most of the news stories foc
Watching and listening to the news, has become a crucial part in our society. This essay will explain, the value of news in people’s daily lives, the reason of the majority of news related to bad incidents, and why the e
News is considered to be highly significant in an individual’s life. I firmly agree with the individuals who opine that news is an integral part of the society and a source of being acquainted. This essay is first, going
News touches our lives in profound ways, the reason being since it is the ideal medium to keep people aware and informed, however, a lot of it is dedicated to negative stories, which could be attributed to human psycholo
In our society news has a significant role, it is part of many people routine. Daily people rely on the media to keep them informed about global or local problems that might affect they lives. However, the tendency of jo
There is no doubt that news plays a crucial role of influencing people's decisions. Many people consider news to be an important part of their lives. This essay is going to focus on several issues pertaining to news and
Mostly in every man's life, the news plays a vital role. The daily news provides information about what is happening around a man, and with which people are starting their daily work. However, there is both good and bad
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