IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In a last few decades there has been a significant increase in the figures of foreign visitors. This eventually results in tension instead of getting along and understanding each other because of cultural differences. Th
In this expeditiously evolving world, travel, which was once used for business activities, is now one of the fastest growing evocations, and industries as well. Some savants propound that the burgeoning tourism is escala
International tourism is one of the developed industry. Some people believe that this causes some stress among visitors and locals in spite of the toleration between individuals from overseas. This essay will argue why t
Over the years, there has been a great deal of discussion among the people who believed that tourism industry has negative effects on relationships of the people with different traditions and customs, where the others ar
In the contemporary era, tourism has become one of the most crucial economic sectors in the world. However, it leads to conflict between people who come from different cultures rather than creating a friendly atmosphere.
Technical modernisation has enabled us to socialize with people all over the world, bolstering the tourism industry by widening choices for travel destinations. This transitioning boost in tourism and challenges coming a
Currently, with globalized world, global tourism becomes more and more popular trend. People have tendency to spend more time getting away from the noisy of their city and chilling out at other places. Some people argue
The advent of globalization, the world is more connected than ever before, and this permits people to travel around the globe. However, this generates conflicts among locals and tourists regarding cultures, including val
Due to the recent development of the tourism industry, a large number of economies rely on the holiday makers. However, it is argued that this trend has encouraged the uncertainty between the people from different nation
In general, International turisim incresing day by day. while international tourisim has lot of advantages such as experience diffrent treditions allover the world,It creates lot of problems too. in my opinion, i would a
With the development of the globalization, more and more people are able to travel around the world. Some argue that international tourism can create tension with the local people, but not create mutual understanding. I
International tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world. If someone is visiting another country without his/her living country that is called tourism. When people cross borders in order to visit another coun
With the advent of technology, it has become cheaper and safer to tour abroad than ever before in the history of mankind, and this has given rise to multi-billion travel and tourism industry. Although some people opine t
With the advent of technology, it has become cheaper and safer to travel abroad than ever before in the history of mankind, and this has given rise to multibillion travel and tourism industry. Although some people opine
Recently, the tourism industry has become a huge industry all over the world. Some people argue that this industry is creating some types of attention among countries rather than creating understanding about different cu
These days, tourists from different states are visiting other countries, and international travel has now become a mega-industry. It is argued that this has created problems instead of an understanding between citizens o
These days, tourists from different states are visiting other countries, and tourism has now become a mega-industry. It is argued that this has created problems instead of an understanding between citizens of different n
With the advent of technology and advancement in our ability to communicate worldwide, the tourism industry has seen a boost, overall. Tourism has a different meaning for everyone, individually. Some go out to explore th
In today’s world, international tourism is generating enormous financial wealth and has become the primary source of income for numerous countries around the globe. Although many people think this industry is likely to c
The growth of tourism and the numbers of people travelling to other countries for their vacations has led to debate as to whether this is beneficial. I believe that there are many problems which arise out of the tourist
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