IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is no denying the fact that since Covid-19, online education has become popular among people. While it is commonly believed that many students prefer online study to face-to-face education, there are also arguments
Many teenagers overlook studying directly as they prefer learning on the Internet as it become a trend among students. Firstly, the benefit of online studies is they will increase their knowledge rapidly. Secondly, the i
The advancement of technology has made it more common for students to learn online than to study in the classroom. The benefits of online education are a flexible lifestyle to suit individual demands whereas the lack of
The advancement of technology has made it more common for students to learn online than study in the classrooms. While the benefits for online education is a flexible lifestyle to suit individual demands, the lack of mot
Over the one decade, virtual learning has been popularised across the globe due to innovation of the technology. As a result, plenty of pupils prefer to learn online mode of learning method rather than traditional classr
Online education has gained in popularity in recent years because of its broad-based benefits. Although online studying is appealing for some reasons, there are many disadvantages needed to be considered.
As the development grows rapidly over the past few years. Online learning is becoming a trend. The vast majority of students prefer to study on the Internet rather than in verbal education. In this essay, I will take bot
It has been argued by many individuals that in this modern era, online study is proliferating regularly and is famous among students who are joining to education online despite of person-to-person interaction. I shall co
As technology has affected every part of our lives, education would not be the exception as a result of the latest events happening in the world, online classes have become the newest tool of universities around the glo
As the development of technology grows rapidly over the past few years, studying online is undeniably a familiar topic for students to discuss. There are opinions that online courses benefit students a lot, while the alt
It is often considered that nowadays digital online learnings are more famous. Whereas, manyfold educatees prefer to enhance their educational knowledge by taking online classes as compared with face-to-face education. T
As technology has become an integral part of educational organization. Some people opt for taking lectures via digital devices, whereas others prefer to learn about new materials in a traditional way. I will examine abou
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