IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The graph demonstrated how much money spent and received children’s in the USA within a year. The information on the chart the highest revenue come from donated food but the most expense to program services for children’
The provided table gives information about income sources and expenses of non-profit children’s organisations in the United States in the year 2016, in percentages.
Given are two pie charts illustrating the financial condition of a children's charity in the United States. Showing the percentage distribution of revenue from six sources and for three different densities of money. The
The provided line graph illustrates information pertaining to the forest industry's production in the United Kingdom between 1980 and 2000. It can also be noted that the measurements were recorded in million tonnes (MT)
The provided pie charts show the percentage of various revenue and spending streams for a US charity over the course of a year.
The given pie charts illustrate the sources of annual revenue and expenses by a USA based children’s charitable organization.
The given pie chart illustrates the money spent and gained by a children's charity within one year. Each type of donation and expense is shown by a particular percentage. It can be clearly seen that the money amount almo
The two pie charts illustrate how much money was spent and received in one year by a children's charity located in the USA. Units are measured in percentage.
The pie charts show the amount of revenue and expenditures over a year of a children's charity in the USA. Overall, it can be seen that donated food accounted for the majority of the income,
The following two pie graphs illustrate the revenue and expenditure sources of Youngster’s Charity located in the United States in 2016. There are six revenue streams and three expenditure flows.
The given charts depict the expenditure and income of a children's charity based in the United States over a year.
The pie chart illustrates the proportion of the expenditures and the incomes of a children's charity in the USA in one year.
The pie chart depit expenditures and revenue sources of a children's charity in the USA in one year. Overall, it is seen that food is the largest part of donated sources and the primary expenses of the charity is program
The given pie charts illustrate the amount of budgets which were collected from children's charities in the USA in 2016 and how they were consumed in the same year.
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