IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this contemporary world, many 3rd world countries are poor and a majority of citizens do not have access to basic necessities. Thus,I believe such problems should be solved by the government of that relevant country w
It is compulsory for the developed countries to share their wealth into the poorer nations by providing such things for to live and education. Or poorer nations should take care of their people themselves
It is being argued if rich countries are expected to share their resources with the poorer by providing basic amenities such as food and education, or if it lies under the authority of the governments of the low-income n
Countries with the high income resources should come forward to help the ones in need. However you cannot ignore the consequences it can bring. So, in this essay I will try to highlight both the sides of this statement.
Despite having an improvement in the overall world economy indicators in recent decades, several regions around the world are still facing dire economic situations and need more attention from international communities a
Poor nations suffer from numerous problems such as economic and social. Although the authority of the poorer states has responsibilities, weak sources of communities are an obstacle to providing basic services like food
Every nation around the globe should contribute their bit to make the world a better place to live. There is a contradictory theory that talks about, whether the wealthy tribes share a piece of their wealth among poorer
Recent decades has witnessed tremendous economic development, and the gap between the richest and poorest society remains considerable. The primary economy is low in some regions, I believe that they need to be helped by
In this contemporary era, most countries face food crises and economical crises. Some people believe that rich countries should share their wealth with poor countries, but fewer say that the government of poverty countri
In the world all the countries are not same according to riches.There are many people where people live under the poverty line .They can't afford minimum basic needs to live .Again there are many countries which are rich
It is a well know truth that poorer nations are finding it difficult to provide basic needs to their people. Some people that should wealthy nations provide financial support to third-world countries to satisfy their b
Its often said that poorer country always have a slower growth rate, and there are several countries who is facing the issue of poverty. Nation who are better in growth and not facing this drastic problem can help other
In this day and age, there has been an increase in the income gap between the wealthy and the poor, more developed nations become richer and the less developed nations become poorer. In light of this phenomenon, I will b
In the contemporary epoch, there is an irrefutable debate among folks that developed countries must provide livelihoods for weak regions that are facing challenges to be fulfilled. This essay is going to demonstrate how
It has long been my belief that strong countries should be able to help developed countries in order to create a peaceful world based on the United Nations agreement. Due to the primary economy being low in some poor reg
It has long been my belief that strong countries should be able to help developed countries in order to create a peaceful world based on the United Nations agreement. Since the primary economy is low in some poor regions
Accordingly to some schools of thought, strong economies ought to supply unwealthy countries with aid, supporting them with the realization of primary and essential services such as food and educational programs. However
It is now a debatable issue whether influencial countries are meant to distribute their money to some countries that are less privileged in terms of food and study. Or if the authorities of those countries should be held
It is often debated that rich countries should help poor countries. I believe that a helping hand should be limited to education and food. Poor land should not depend upon other others.
Some families insist that prestigious countries should help low-standard families to take a portion of their abundant life, such as giving some food and providing scholarships to the impoverished young generation. At the
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