IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are two different points of view that it is necessary for the rich people to support unwealthy groups of society to fulfil their basic living needs while another opinion is that governments should take responsibili
It is frequently argued that prosperous countries have to proportion their wealth with the poorer country through imparting them true meals and training centers. In my opinion, I absolutely accept as true with the above
People have different views as regards richer countries being obliged to allot their money among less privileged nations, as opposed to those who believe that it is the duty of the leaders of the needy countries to provi
While some folks believe that rich nations should use their wealth to provide foodstuff and schooling to poor people in under-developed nations, others argue that taking care of the poor population is the responsibility
While some public believe that rich nations should use their wealth to provide foodstuff and scholarships to poor nations in under-developed regions, others argue that taking care of the poor people is the responsibility
Commonly, poorer countries want to get supported by wealthier countries. On the other hand, some nations might think that why should they help or what will they get something's returned. However, governments of poorer na
There were no successful country that had no poverty, since it is a global problem and people struggle to lower the percentage. It is not who responsible for but the collaboration between the richest and government to ta
The citizens of every state require basic facilities such as shelter, food and education. Rich countries have enough funds to take care of third world countries. However, some ascertain that it the duty of governing bodi
The argument about providing food and education has been happening for a long time. It is believed that certain rich nations can share their resources and improve people's life residing in poorer countries. I think that,
.In the modern era , the issue of helping one underpreveledge state has become highly controversial.Many people opine that the rich state should provide assistance to those countries who are not capable to infuse their
Is there any ending for human suffering on this plant? Every day, we see young children dead on streets because lack of daily essentials such as nutrition, health care and education. In the last centuries, the world has
Is there any ending for human suffering on this plant ? Everyday , we see young children dead on streets because lack of daily essentiels such as nutrition, health care and education. In the last centuries, the world has
Availing basic needs such as food and education, is every human's right. Whether provided by their own government or aid from the rich nation. However, it is government's responsibilty to take care of their own people ra
There is a clear difference in wealthiness among countries. Some are very rich while others are quite poor. In my opinion, while it is the governments' task to provide their citizens with basic needs, I believe that more
In recent times, selected nations became very powerful whereas others are still slow in development. Some believe that the developed countries should share their commodities to developing nations, others argue that it is
The argument over whether it is that the government of poor countries should be in the main position to take care of their citizens or wealthy nations should offer financial aids has been going for years. This essay will
Some believe that developed countries should offer assistance in terms of food and education to the under-developed ones. While others assert that the poor nations should be independant and tackle the issues on their own
Some believe that the developed countries should offer asssistance in terms of food and education. While others assert that the poor nations should be independant and tackle the issues on their own. This essay will analy
In the contemporary times, inequality soaring around the globe in terms of education, food, availability and health.Many people believe it is the responsibility of their government to resolve their domestic issue for the
It is widely noted that the governments of the poorer society have the responsibility to look after their citizens but they do not always have the ability to do so. This is one of the main reasons why wealthy nations not
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