IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is argued that humans have a lot of options. It is agreed that we still have many things that can be selected not only pegged in one thing but also choose another alternative and the writing will discuss about many c
The question of whether we have too many choices in today's world is a topic of ongoing debate. Some people argue that plentiful selections are available in different aspects of life, from consumer products to luxury pro
Recently, many people have considered the idea that there is a wide range of selections in everything. I believe that everybody finds themselves in multiple-choice situations day by day. This topic can relate to every se
It is a common belief that people these days get themselves a lot of options. However, I partly agree with this idea since multiple choices are only available to the wealthy, whereas they are limited to the poor and une
Nowadays, the population has too many preferable choices that can be implemented in their lives. In this essay, I agree with the statement that having too much info will feel confusing but I also have an argument to stan
There is a popular public debate among people in society. Due to the massive improvement that human life has experienced in many aspects, common sense has this belief that we have too many choices and many more options t
Nowadays, some individuals believe that we have lots of choices in our daily lives. I certainly agree with this attitude and in this essay, I will look at this issue and give some examples of it.
There are crowds who think we have more options to pick in comparison to the past.
There is no denying the fact that choices are available in the past and nowadays, While it is a commonly held belief that in recent years there are more options than in the past. There is also an argument that opposes
Nowadays in the present there are many people have too many choices for their aim in the future for exam when they must go to working or choice of university and other. However some people there is only one choice becaus
These days, most of the population thinks that we have multiple scenarios. Overall, I strongly agree as we have the options to choose the restaurant where we want to go in addition to how we want to use our smartphones.
Those days, most of the population thinks that we have multiple options. Overall, I strongly agree as we have the opportunity to choose the restaurant where we want to go in addition to how we want to use our smartphone
Most individuals think that there is a vast amount of choices present nowadays. This essay agrees with this statement because people can choose endless careers as per their desire and also opportunities are doubled compa
In modern times, it is expressed by some that we have too many choices in our lives, and I fully agree with this statement as a young adult. This essay will share my views by, first, talking about the Internet and all th
These days, many people believe we have a lot of choices in our lives. Some think this is a good thing, but I believe it can also be a problem. In this essay, I'll talk about the good and bad sides of having many choices
Living in modern society, some people argue that there are a multitude of choices ahead of us, which sometimes are difficult to choose. From my perspective, I am in favour of the opinion, believing that the world abound
Some individuals think that in recent times we have too many choices. I totally agree with this statement because we have many choices regarding, method of communication, transport, and food.
It is thought that some people believe that Nowadays they have too many choices. I completely agree that there are various choices that are available nowadays.
Driven by globalization and technological improvements, there is a view that modern citizens are able to take more opportunities into consideration. From my perspective, I am totally in favour of this opinion, believing
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