IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is generally acknowledged by some individuals that some countries gain global success by investing in buildings and equipment for certain sports stars rather than the public. Regarding this, I strongly believe that it
investing in the amenities that are appropriate for sports heroes,who contribute in the international competitions, in some countries has shadowed the ordinary folks' right of having enough types of equipment for exerci
Each country choses each own way to be winner of different type of games, such as regional, or world games. And the Olympic Game is the top of wish where nations would like to attend. Furthermore, to get gold as it possi
This is depends on the government political view for this situation. Let's see each position, and find which method is better for country sport, especially for spotrmens who give all their life for traning and might be f
For the sake of achieving success on the international stage, some nations utilize specialized facilities and professional training methods to foster the most excellent athletes rather than build basic sports apparatus f
Several states establish top infrastructures for elite sportsmen to gain triumph worldwide rather than offer these infrastructures to most residents as everyday items available. In my view, this is a negative development
When it comes to how to make progress in sports, attitudes vary from country to country. Some remain firm believer in splurging to provide top infrastructure for elite sportsmen despite the common international belief th
There has been a significant divergence revolving around spending money on sports infrastructures for professional athletes instead of providing for citizens, which influences worldwide achievement. Given the development
Some nations accomplish international success in today's competitive world by financing privileged amenities to train top professional athletes instead of allowing the public. Given the fast ,amortization while opening t
Whether nations should finance privileged amenities for professional sportsperson instead of investing in essential services for ordinary citizens remains a controversial topic towards the general public. Given its pragm
Whether nations should finance privileged amenities for professional sportsperson instead of investing in basic services for ordinary citizens remains a controversial topic towards the general public. Given its pragmatic
Today many developed countries giving bias to train top athletes by provide them specialized structure instead of implement basic equipment and land for the public purpose. Although this trend bringing to countries sever
Some nations accomplish international success in today's competitive world by financing privileged amenities to train top professional athletes instead of allowing for the public. Given the fast amortization while openin
Many people argue that nations can obtain higher achievements international in sport's competitions if they invest in venues aimed solely for the use of elite sports competitors. I believe that this is not a good practic
Numerous nations are becoming successful at the international platform by providing training to their best athletes instead of working on improving facilities for everybody. I am of the opinion that it has many drawbacks
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