Children play an essential role in the life of parents.It is said by some individuals that parents should oversee their children's activities,while others believe that children should be given liberty.In my perspective
It is considered by some that children should be taught by their parents so that they can be good members of the community whereas others assume that school is the best place to help children learn a lot of skills which
People have contrasting views, about the occurrences of children, whether parents or their offsprings should be penalized. In my opinion, the youngster should get penalties to have the realization; however, both views wi
People have contrasting views, about the occurrences of children, whether parents or their offsprings should be penalized. In my opinion, the youngster should get penalties to have the realization; however, this essay wi
There two different approaches to the upbringing of children. On one side are those who believe that children should be paid for doing domestic chores, while others disagree. In this essay, I will consider both sides of
A plethora of masses opine that it is the onus of parents to make their child an ideal representative of the community; however, other reckons that students should be taught in schools about the idealism. I will discuss
Good personality education for children is a major topic of concern in today’s world. While some believe parents should do it at home in a few aspects, one may argue the school is ideal place for them to learn it.
Educating kids to become decent society members has gained increasing popularity for years. Despite the belief that this mostly relies on parents’ capacity, other people support the school's role in training them. This e
No doubt, parents play a crucial role in shaping the character of their children. Since children are too young to understand what is right or wrong, it is the responsibility of parents to guide them in the right directio
Some group of masses thinks that parents should teach kids how to be good members of the society while others believe that they should learn this at school. However, I am of the opinion that this is a matter to be debate
Many people think that children should be taught to be good person in society by their parents. However, from someone perspective’s people that these values should be taught at school. Personllay I feel that school and p
Home is the first alma mater and parents are the primary teachers, this fact cannot be denied. A popular stratum of society believes that parents should teach their wards how they can be a good member of society. Howeve
It is controversially argued that parents should take responsibility of training children’s mortality since young ages. However, the opposing side holds a belief that social values had better be taught at school. This es
Many argue that social habits should be taught by parents while others opine that it should be learnt at the institute. I believe that both the views have equal importance in nurturing an infant, although parental guidan
Many argue that social behaviour should be taught by parents while others opine that it should be learnt at the institute. I believe that both the views have equal importance in nurturing an infant, although parental gui
There is widespread opinion that children who commit offences should be punished, while others argued that only parents ought to take all responsibility for their children`s misbehaviour on themselves. Personally, I supp
There is no doubt criminals should be penalized according to the gravity of their crime. However, there are some peolpe believe that, even, the young offenders need to be sentensed, the opponents of this argument says th
The importance of punishment in juvenile crime has become an increasingly debatable topic in modern societies, with conflict views on whether children themselves or their parents should be punished. From my point of vi
Some people say that leaving their parent's house before youngster is important to become mature. On the other hand, some people explicitly oposide on this. I will discuss both view and with my opinion at the end.
The Moral value plays a significant role for the human beings. Some people reckon that children ought to be taught by their parents about how to become a good citizen, howeverhowever others believe that educational insti