IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is true that we are living in the modern era in which the phenomena of globalization have been more ubiquitous than ever before. It leads to a contemporary society that offers an endless abundance of choices. Accordin
Choice is a freedom that everybody possesses. Nowadays many claim that a human being is given an umpteen number of choices. In my opinion, this trend is advantageous as we can choose from a wide range of options. However
As a social being, human is provided with numbers of opportunities in life. Some people believed that the provided options are sometimes too many, that make ambiguity in the paths they have choosen. However, I personally
There is no denying the fact that many people have the freedom to choose what they wander. While it is a commonly held belief that these days, nations have various options in their lives. In my opinion, I consider as te
In this modern era, the faster revolution by developing technology has provided society with a wide array of options. People can pick and choose favourable prospects with a range of available nearby options like food and
It is argued that people have a wide range of choices in today’s society. Although I think people have an abundance of choice, they are limited.
People are believed to have abundant options in recent decades thanks to globalization combined with increasingly advanced technology. I am totally convinced by the statement for some reasons mentioned in this essay.
Undoubtedly, abundant choices are presented to us nowadays. Some people agree that it can cause waste of time and resources, while other contend that it can be beneficial for the nation’s economic development and persona
In the modern era, some people think we have too many opportunities. Nowadays, technology has increased, and people have updated their knowledge. If we think whatever, we have a lot of choices. I completely agree with th
In every second of human life, a person will always make decisions. Whether it was small like what clothes to wear or a big decision like a career to choose, it must be decided before moving on to the next decision. Howe
It is argued that individuals think that nowadays there are too many options to choose. This essay completely agrees with this statement because these days what is important is to do what they like, but this can lead to
As part of globalization and internet facilities people learning more about this world and they have too many choices in their hands. I strongly agree with this statement because, we have many things and have many of in
It is scientifically proven that people nowadays are making more than 100 decisions per day. The underlying reason for this is because of the abundant choices that we currently have. I agree that currently, people are ex
Today I am going to tell you about one of the biggest problems of ecology. It is global warming. The start of this problem was about a hundred years ago. Every ten years temperatures all around the world was rising about
Some advocates strongly believe that these days we are overwhelmed with too many options. I vehemently agree with this assertion due to the competitive environment around us and the outstanding accessibility that the nat
In this modern world, there are plenty of options to choose. A few people trust that the populace has too many choices at present days. In this essay, I completely agree with this statement because youngsters tend to hav
In the modern world, due to the significant advances in technology and science, folks have an enormous variety of options to choose from.l truly agree that by developing technology and resources, our freedom of choice h
These days there is an argument about a lot of choices we face. I strongly agree with this statement because thanks to technology has jumped up over the years which can provide information and reconnect with people’s rel
These days there is an argument about a lot of choices we face it. I strongly believe this statement because thank to technology has been jumped up over the years which is can provide information and reconnected with peo
Today, most countries have undergone numerous changes in different fields. So, there is an argument that due to these changes, there is a variety of options to take. I strongly agree with this statement. I will discuss s
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