IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some individuals believe that governments must legislate recycling for the waste of household litters. I think, it is important to recycling our domestic use of products. However, it is secondary context compared to faci
People nowadays claim that there are not enough waste from homes is recycled. To add it up, they think that the governments making recycling a legal requirement is the only way to increase recycling. Laws can be one way
Nowadays, some individuals state that less rubbish from house is reprocessed. They state that the government alone will increase recycling by legalising it to the public.  In my view, I think that laws should be greatly
The world nowadays inching towards greener environment and the very first initiative a healthy is recycling the waste.some individuals believe that waste from house are not managed properly. so, Governments should made a
Nowadays, more and more people are facing problems caused by lack of recycling service in their neighborhood. Societies believe that in order to solve this problem, issuance of such legal requirements is impactful for bo
The main problem with making legal something as transient and micro-sized as recycling lays on the shift of responsibilities to the individuals for issue as big as environmental crisis. If this is implemented, it indicat
In contemporary society, environment protection is considered as a significant topic,which related to recycling, air pollution etc. Some people suggest that the government should make it a requirement, which ask people t
Many individuals argue that we are not recycling an adequate amount of waste. They also provide the view that, to raise the recycling rate it is essential for governments to make people legally required to participate. I
Today’s few people argue that most of the citizens don’t have interest to use the recycle product, thus home wastages are increasing daily and it may possible to impact the environment. Whilst, authorities should take so
Nowadays, recycling waste is one of the crucial aspects of the world, thereby in 2015, all United Nations members created 17 world Sustainable Development Goals, in which recycling management is included. This issue is
Some communities opine that waste from houses is usually not recycled. So they propose that the authority can bring about a change in society by imposing strict laws on recycling, which can be an effective way to increa
There is no doubts that more garbage from housholds could be recycled. It this essay I will explain the reasons why the oficial policy is the most effective way to rise the level of secondary usage of rubbish.
Recycling, which is considered as the most effective way to protect our environment, is said to need to be legislated by authorities as a law. In this essay, why i totally agree with the very perspective will be elaborat
As technology gets more advanced, the packaging of some products becomes varied. Thus, more and more waste is produced without proper treatment. Part of the society believes that it is the government's role to encourage
The first pie chart illustrates the proportion of consuming energy by Australian households, and the second one depicts the greenhouse gas pollution due to using this energy.
The issue of household waste recycling has gained significant attention in recent years. While some argue that the current levels of recycling are inadequate and that legal measures are the only effective solution, I bel
It has been argued that waste management at home is not effective as it is not properly recycled. Some people believe that this situation can only be improved if governments take appropriate measures to make it a legal
It has been argued that waste management at home is not effective as it is not properly recycled. Some people beleive that this situation can only be improved only if governments take appropriate mesaures making it as a
It is true that not enough a number of waste is from home is recycled. Some people argue that it is a significant opportunity to improve recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement while other individuals
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