IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I agree with the content that certain workers should be paid more because their works are very necessary for society and have a specific profession. Conversely, other people like film actors or company bosses are fine to
I agree with the content that certain workers should be paid more because their works are very necessary for social and have a specific profession. Conversely, other people like film actors or company bosses are fine to
In this competitive world, everyone is doing hard work to earn a handsome amount of money.A section of society asserts that people who are doing work for the upliftment of society are not getting sufficient monetary re
It is argued that fundamental industries like teachers, doctors should get more payback ,especially when compared with leaders, celebrities. While those occupations who service others a lot do deserve more awards, endea
The high incomes of celebrities in the field of entertainment and sports have been a matter of dispute . I disagree that doctors nurses and teachers should be paid salary than celebrities . I shall put forth my argument
In this era, most of the positions in the world are not giving enough valuve for essential workers like nurses, doctors and teachers as some certain union disscusions shows and they work for under paid as well. ,moreove
Nowadays it is argued that some workers like doctors and policemen are less valued than expected and for this reason, they received a poor salary for what they do, on the contrary, others earn huge sums of money for doin
There has been a prevailing opinion that some specific types of work like doctors, teachers are underpaid while celebrities, as well as company presidents, earn a disagreeably huge amount of money. This essay discusses
In this rapid growing globe, sports become more favourite among the public. Many folks believe that professions,such as medical practitioners and tutors have to give more wages as compared to sportspersons and entertaine
Undeniably, people who work in the entertainment industry or worldwide enterprises have more flexible salaries and potential than those employed in a hospital or school. People who work for government institutes have fix
It is commonly thought by some that hospital staff and professors are paid higher than movie casters and makers or some CEOs earn extravagantly hefty amounts for their works. I believe people should earn according to the
There is no doubt that the celebrities are highly paid than professionals. It is sometimes thought that the teachers, nurses and doctors should be given a better remuneration than the showbiz. In my opinion, I firmly di
Being a professional used to mean that they had a very specialised set of skills or qualifications, or that they had to meet particular ethical standards such as doctors, nurses and teachers. Some people believe that pr
While experts argue that certain professions in the education & medical domain are undervalued and underpaid, I believe the reason for this is beyond the control of individuals or governments, since, if any profession ho
While experts argue that certain professions in the education and medical domain are undervalued and underpaid, I believe that a large reason for this is beyond the control of individuals or governments, since, if any pr
In this era, the governments around the world regards all employees who are working in training and health division. In despite of, being a doctor, or teachers are more important to the society. But unfortunately, there
It is argued that it is unfair for some jobs like doctor, teacher, nurses have a lower salary than others jobs like film actors or company bosses while these jobs are more crucial to the society. I believe that higher pa
It can be a belief of few people that medical and educational professionals have less value and are not well paid as compared to film actors or corporate executives. I agree to this opinion in regard of compensations, ho
Money is a vital component in everyone's life. Some people contend that workers working in hospitals and schools are valued less than the workers working in the entertainment industry. In my perspective, I agree with thi
People have different views about whether History or subjects like Science and Technology are of greater importance in school recently. While there are some benefits of learning History, I would argue that it is better f
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